(74) You're A Sex God, Mr. Grinch

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"I think Santa came in my room."

"Well that's disgusting."

Marley scowled, smacking Aiden's bare bicep with narrowed eyes. Even in the near darkness she could see his lips upturned in the tiniest of smiles. His eyes were still closed, though.

"I'm serious!" She hissed quietly, not wanting to wake Ian sleeping across the room, "There's a little tree, and ornaments, and presents with his name on them!"

Aiden peeked one eye open, scanning over her body bouncing up and down on his bed as she sat cross-legged, "You didn't call me to walk you. Again."

Marley waved a hand dismissively, "Scold me later. Right now we have bigger issues! Santa can't be real, alright? Extrapolating for population growth, there are 500 million households for him to visit within the span of 48 hours according to time zones, the international date line, and the variations in sunset/sunrise times between locations and latitudes. With a mean distance of 0.205 miles between houses, number of houses, and the 48 hour time clock — he'd have 300 microseconds to sneak in and out of a house, drop off the presents, eat the cookies and make it back to his sleigh!"

Aiden's silent laughter shook the bed, "What about the reindeer food?"

Marley's frown deepened considerably while he took her hand, kissing her palm, "What time is it?"

"Three," she replied absentmindedly.

Aiden coughed, "Yeah. We're not doing this."

She yelped when he yanked her downwards by her hand, somehow managing to throw the covers over the two of them at the same time. His leg swung over her waist, arm around her torso. Aiden snuggled into the back of her neck, always the best big spoon but now was so not the time.

Santa came!

"Aiden," she whined miserably, failing in removing his heavy arm from around her torso, "There's a tree in my room and presents and I can't sleep."

"Count sheep," he grumbled out a suggestion tiredly, "It's three in the morning. Christmas doesn't start until at least six."

Marley huffed, melting when he kissed the back of her neck gently. Still, her eyes remained wide open even as Aiden's breathing began to deepen.

The fact that she woke up to the soft glow of a tree in her room with her name on a tag clearly calling it hers — was a magical feeling she's never had in her childhood. She was experiencing the true joy of Christmas for the first time and sleepy, grumpy Aiden was killing her vibe.

Marley began to shove again but his hold was iron. She whined as she wiggled, "I can't sleep, Aiden. I'm too excited!"

His lips pressed against her ear, breath hot and arm tightening around her waist to still her, "Keep grinding your ass on me and something else will be too excited — but not for Christmas."

Marley's cheeks flamed, her body going rigid, "If you weren't on the naughty list before Aiden Matthews you are officially done for."

"Santa had to make an even naughtier list just to put my name on it, spitfire." When he nipped at her neck with his teeth she jolted before whacking his forearm.

He quietly chuckled, relaxing against her back again and nuzzling his nose into her neck, "Let me hold you for a few hours. That's the only Christmas gift I want."

Marley squinted her eyes in serious consideration. She did buy him an awesome gift, but something free that would be easy for her to give...well she wasn't about to pass up on the opportunity to even their score a little. "Really?" She whispered.

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