(35) AWOL

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Double update. Chapters 34&35!


"Funny joke, Aiden. Now move out of my way."

"You need to stay here, Marley. You know that. Please understand. Please."

Marley was seething, fists balled as she faced her boyfriend, who stood in front of the door leading out of the lounge, muscular arms crossed, biceps bulging...

Focus Marley! Remember Gabby!

"My best friend is out there. Like hell I'm staying in here Matthews."

She crossed her arms over her chest, too, to show she meant business, but the macho act she was playing was severely diminished by the fact that everything was tilting to the left.

She watched Aiden bend to her level, his warm hands cupping her cheeks and his blue eyes boring into hers. Marley always finds herself drunk on Aiden - tipsy, disoriented, high in the best ways - so that effect combined with actual alcohol?

Well let's just say any resolve to do anything but whatever his hypnotic eyes want her to do, was going nowhere fast.

"Marley. Baby. You're drunk. You can't even stand up straight. Please stay in this lounge and keep your phone on you. I'll call you as soon as I know what's going on-"

Marley gripped his shoulders, "Gabby is...out there and Dalton and Leo and-"

She was cut off - mentally and vocally - by his lips pressing to hers,!and her tipsy self was extremely smug at the fact that her request for a make out was being accepted. Marley's hands slid up his shoulders and into his hair, fingers tugging and reaching.

Aiden groaned softly and pulled away before they could even deepen the kiss. Marley reached closer but his hands were on her hips now, securing her in place with all the causality and sureness in the world.

"You're killing me Hoover," he breathed out, releasing her hips to grab her wrists and stop her from running her hands down his chest.

She pouted, "But...but, kissing burns calories, strengthens your immune system, reli...relives aches and pains, and preve...prevents cavities," she slurred, "Pucker up."

His responding chuckle was deep and amused as he tucked some of her hair behind her right ear with a gentle, warm hand, while his blue eyes searched her face.

"Do you even have the slightest clue of how much I love you?"

Her head swam, so she slumped against his hold. He released her wrists, holding her to his chest, "I-yes. I-because I love you too. Like, more than a...proton loves an electron."

She felt him kiss the top of her head, moving them across the room.

Too delirious and drunk and warm, it took her about a minute to realize that Aiden was laying her down carefully on the couch, and resting his jacket over her shoulders. Gabby's phone call came back to her in that moment.


"Gabby! What is it?! Where are you?!"

"I'm...I don't kno-ow," she sobbed desperately, "but h-he, Leo a-and Dalton are a-about to fight a-and I can't se-see a-and..."

Marley stood from the couch, so fast that she had to hold the end of it for support so she wouldn't sway on her feet.

"Gabby," she gasped, watching Aiden turn back around with tight eyes.

"I'm not..." she swayed but regained her balance as quickly as she could, "that drunk. My best friend needs me. I'm going to find her."

Aiden pursed his lips for a quiet moment, and clearly saw something in her eyes that convinced him she wasn't going to stay in the lounge.

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