(22) Never Again

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I've got a 'draft' in Aiden's POV of the day of the biology intake test before camp, before he and Marley met officially.

If it's something that you'd be interested in reading, leave a comment or a vote and I'll work on getting it into a publishable chapter.

I hope you like him as much as I do, enough to want to learn more about who he is! I promise you won't be bored ;)


⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

This chapter is going to be another that's hard to read. Just a heads up.

if you need to know more before reading, feel free to send me a message and I'd be happy to detail what to expect :)


"He'll kill you," Marley breathed out shakily, watching him twirl the garbage bag with her shirt inside, around in his finger, "Do you understand? He'll kill you."

Beside him, Trish was leaned against the wall, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder nonchalantly.

Jordan was still taking his time to look over her, but she was too stunned to even cover herself up, "Matthews? I'm not afraid of him."

Her breathing hitched at his words, "Please. You can wait in here while I shower and leave after we do. I won't tell Aiden about the ditch. Nobody has to know."

His dark eyes twinkled, "You're more scared than we are, Marley."

He began to approach her slowly, and she scampered back against the wall, feeling tears building up behind her eyes, "You're a father now, Jordan. You need to stop this-"

"That's why I'm here." he cut her off quickly, and Marley's eyes found Trish's across the room.

For a second, they locked gazes but Trish was quickly looking away and picking her nails stoically. It was stinging, brutal betrayal.

Jordan took another step. She shrunk in on herself, her heart pounding in her ears, "Please. Please don't."

She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling dirty everywhere when the back of his knuckles brushed against her cheek, "I'm asking for a favour, Marley. Elena looks up to you. She values your opinion. I want to use that to get what I want."

Her eyes flew open and his hand disappeared, dropping at his side but he still remained a step away from her. His head cocked sideways, eyes trailing down her frame again.

She kept her lips pressed together, biting the inside of her cheek so she wouldn't cry.

"I'm guessing he hasn't even seen you like this before. Right?"

She felt her pulse begin to simmer with rage, "You're a terrible person, Jordan. And this will catch up to you. Please don't make me scream for Aiden. I will."

He raised his eyebrow, and faster than she could blink his hand was slamming over her mouth and squeezing tightly. She shrieked into his hand, her palms coming up to shove at his chest as he bent to level their gazes while she thrashed and squirmed, tears streaming down her cheeks and soaking his hand.

"Convince Elena to get an abortion. If you scream after I let you go I'll fucking bash your head in-"

She opened her mouth into his hand, and bit as hard as she possibly could. She tasted blood and sweat as he jerked his hand away, and she used the chance to knee him in the crotch to slow him further.

She didn't waste a second.

This wasn't about negotiation anymore. This was survival. If she didn't scream now, he'd probably cover her mouth again and do worse.

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