(85 Part 2) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible

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🎵: Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson


"We don't have to do this."

They found their little shore where he gave her a promise ring. Aiden led them there intentionally, not only for the privacy but for the symbolism of it all. He was quiet, nervous, thinking he was in trouble and wanted every shred of the upper hand he could get.

They were sat beside each other on the sand, Marley cross-legged as she broke the silence.



He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes on the lake. She watched him with concern as once again they were back in his past, back to where she should know by now to expect and make peace with the mention of.

She rested a gentle hand on his bicep. "The whole tour bus thing...you don't have to not go have fun with your friends because of me."

"We have plans with my brother," Aiden said, turning to look at her. "And how many times do I have to say it until you understand?" He cupped her cheeks and stared into her eyes, "There is nowhere else I'd rather be than with you."

She rested her smaller hands over his own, her heart mush. "You can have friends and a social life without worrying that it'll hurt my feelings. How long will we survive in college if I don't trust you every time you go to a party?"

"It's not all about that. It's about staying clean. It's about that scene not doing it for me anymore. It'll just be..." he waved a hand with a wrinkled nose. "dickheads talking about boobs, ass and sports, and girls hitting on me all night. None of the guys Leo mentioned are my real friends. The only time we ever had anything in common was when I was drunk or high on something."

"You don't have to quit drinking because of me. I drank once myself, remember?"

"Vividly." he smirked, so she smacked his arm. His expression became serious again quickly, though. "You can drink whenever you want, Marley."

"So can you," she pressed.

He leaned back on his hands with a distant sigh, "I may need a Corona once in a while when I'm stuck with a thousand more Leo's in college." his smile was playful at the joke. "But in all seriousness, I won't. It's not all about you. A personal decision."

Marley nodded her head. He didn't have to explain further. Not drinking — at least at this point in his life — was a choice Aiden had the full freedom to make. He didn't need to answer to anyone.

"Though at some point we have to even the playing field."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, so she elaborated with a teasing grin. "You've seen drunk Marley in all her humiliating glory, so naturally I'm curious about drunk Aiden. If I do get to meet him, I promise I'll carry his heels and hold his hair back."

Aiden laughed, pulling her close by her waist, "Nowhere else I'd rather be, Hoover."

She nuzzled into his neck and placed a kiss there, "The freedom to go is something you need to know above all else. Even in college. I know it took me a long time to trust you...but now I do. I know all the groupies are going to be disappointed that you're 'Marley Hoover's man.'"

Saying those words came along with no bitterness. No doubt. She spent the last few months of their relationship — despite Aiden's loyalty, trust, openness and respect — with a cloud of fear over her head. A fear that he would leave like her mother and brother did. Resent her like father had. It ate her up inside for far too long.

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