(20) The Untouchables

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Double update of both chapters 19&20!


"Snowball fight? That's so unfair!" Sarah whined as they made their trek back to the school building from the mess hall, giving themselves enough time to get back before lunch ends.

Marley was so elated at this point; not only was she going to get to see the closest thing she's ever seen to snow, but her and Aiden were closer than they had been the past two weeks.

She was under his arm now, and that gave her all the hope she needed that they were slowly coming back together. They still had a lot to get into - from his accusation that she saw him as her father, and that he could be in love with Violet even though she died long ago - but this here, was hope.

It was also air. Oxygen. Breathing again.

"We scored in our class," Leo boasted cockily, "not only do I get to smash Matthews' face in with something and it be acceptable at school, but we also have a hot as hell teacher who is about a week away from inviting me up her skirt."

Aiden let out a long, drawn out sigh, "You are about as appealing to her as a pile of shit, Kahn. Those pickup lines are nasty and you act like a fucking tool."

"I can second that," Sarah cut in, shooting Leo a tight smile.

The two of them had been hooking up at the beginning of camp, but the night of Dalton's party Leo moved onto his next conquest and things turned...ugly between them when Sarah found out and confronted him. Sarah was a bit attached - despite Leo's history and his forewarning that he wasn't looking for anything serious, but ever since that night they've been completely fine around each other.

This passive comment, though, was a tell that Sarah was still feeling a little prickly.

Leo raised a single eyebrow, "It worked for you."

"Oh fuck off, Leo," she spat, crossing her arms, her footsteps becoming more like stomping on the gravel.

The silence dragged on for a few tense seconds, so Marley rushed to salvage the calmness and drama free atmosphere.

"So! Um, any theories as to why we were targeted by this dirty cheater account from the get-go? Why us?"

Aiden's arm tightened around her purposefully, he knew what she was trying to do and would help, "If I knew who the owner was I'd tattoo my fist into his face."

"Aiden," she scolded quietly, "you said you believed me."

His head shot down to lock eyes with her briefly, "I do believe you, spitfire. It's that you were being followed. It's that someone blackmailed you and backed you into a corner."

She chewed on the end of her thumbnail, wondering why someone would do this. What their motives would be.

"It all circles back to Dalton's party," Gabby remarked thoughtfully, "The only inside glimpse that we've ever gotten from who is behind this account, is their interest in what happened that night. So we're looking for a connection to the people involved."

"But again," Tristan cut in, "this could also be some vigilante person-"

"Who just targets us?" Bree interrupted firmly, "It doesn't make sense. The first post was Jordan. The second was Marley. This third one comes after a temporary hiatus and it seems...different somehow."

"Ingeunine," Marley added, "as if they needed a buffer until they're back to digging up dirt on us again. I think we are being targeted. I just can't see why."

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