(60) Promise

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A gorgeous oval diamond was nestled in the fabric of the open box, the band of the ring rows of shimmering, smaller square diamonds. Marley felt like her eyes might pop out of her head, mouth fallen open at the breathtaking piece of jewellery in front of her while Aiden assessed her reaction.

He slowly, reassuringly slipped the ring from its place, folding the box and shoving it in his pocket. He held her upright with one hand, Marley slumped into him with her head spinning.

Aiden took her left hand. She was stuck frozen and starstruck as he took her glove off and shoved it in his pocket, too. He held up her bare left hand, and slid the ring on her ring finger. Perfect fit. She watched, cheeks wet with tears as he pressed the ring to his lips before letting it go.

"Breathe, Marley. Breathe," he coaxed calmly.

She realized in that moment her view was obstructed because of the stars patterning her vision.

She inhaled deeply, resting her left hand on his chest and trying to get a grip on herself. Aiden had just put a promise ring on her finger. Aiden Matthews. Promise ring.

Aiden Matthews.

Promise ring.


Aiden tightened his arms around her waist, his body rumbling.

"I really do take your breath away don't I? Literally and figuratively."

"Shut up."

He laughed, pressing a kiss to her forehead, holding his lips there, "Do you like it? Custom made. One of a kind. Just like you."

"You're on a roll, Matthews," she breathed out, curling her fingers around his jacket, watching the ring glow even in the darkness.

Her eyes welled up again. Aiden kissed every tear. "I can't beat this. I can buy you the entire world and it won't beat this. Dammit Aiden."

"To answer your question," he began, a sternness to his tone. He grabbed her left hand in his, lacing their fingers together. The ring on her finger made the view so perfect. "That door you always watch so intently - you don't have to watch it with me. I'll never do what your mother did to you."

She broke, ugly sobbing into his chest while he wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in his warmth.

"This will..." she wiped her tears with her fingertips, needing to lighten the tension, expel the tightness in her chest, "will...hopefully repel the groupies."

He cupped her cheeks to take over, wiping her tears with his thumbs, "I would buy you a million rings if that's what it took to repel the groupies. Having to play dodgeball so often is pissing me off at this point."

"You're telling me!"

He chuckled, "I put a ring on it, Hoover. Having doubts now would be an insult."

Her hazel eyes flickered back towards the ring, her hand resting on his chest. Her smile was uncontrollable. Aiden kissed it, "You like it?"

"I love it," she whispered, "and you. You know, on a good day."

"Is today a good day?"

"Today is a great day."

"That's all I ever ask for, spitfire. That's all I'll ever ask."


When Marley and Aiden made it back to her room, the door was open and everyone, literally everyone, were lounging around.

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