(23) Marley Hoover Forgetting Basic Muscular Anatomy

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This is a double update (22&23) - so if your notification took you to this chapter go back one chapter!


Aiden was making vegetable soup from scratch using the broth he found in the cabinet, while Marley sat on the couch under a blanket.

It was vertical towards the kitchen, so she could lay back against the far armrest in perfect view of him.

"I'm going to Brown. I'm going to Brown University."

Without any explanation, without so much as another word on the matter, Aiden strode from the bathroom and she'd scrambled after him, mouth hung open in shock and her mind spinning. He was immediately darting for the kitchen, beginning to scour the fridge and cabinets with pursed lips, planning what to make for dinner.

So she sat on the couch, needing to feel grounded as his declaration threw her off balance.

Brown. Brown University.

"Notre Dame," she blurted finally, watching his hands freeze for a heartbeat before he was continuing to chop.

"What about it?"

She sat up on her knees, rubbing her eyes with her balled fists, "Notre. Dame. University? The school you're attending in the fall?!"

He hovered the cutting board over the pot of bubbling broth, sliding sliced carrots into the mix without skipping a beat, but also without answering her. She was so stunned she didn't know what to say for a few minutes.

"You are...the Fighting Irish. One of the top twelve college football teams in the country. Your career-"

"I'm still playing college football. Just not at Notre Dame," he cut in calmly.

Marley gaped at him, flabbergasted by his nonchalance, "You...Notre Dame, Aiden. You committed-"

"I couldn't until January. They were under the impression that I was dead set, but they didn't take it personally when I rejected the offer."

I rejected the offer.

Marley sprang to her feet, her fists balled, "What the hell Aiden! You did what?!"

He didn't look away from his cooking and it was starting to annoy her, "I rejected their offer a few days ago, when Mrs. Underwood gave me a recommendation letter and I submitted my game tapes to the coach."

Weeks ago. Recommendation letter.

"Woah, woah woah," she held a hand up, trying to catch her breath, "You and Doris Underwood? You met with her?! Game tapes?! Aiden!"

"We met every lunch hour of last week. Had conversations. Just like you."

She was becoming angrier and angrier with his cool as a cucumber attitude about all this. Marley was glad, though, that this didn't have anything to do with what happened today.

"You didn't even think to tell me?"

"I was going to until everything happened with...Alec and I told you about Violet. You wanted a break and I respected your need for space. There just wasn't a right chance to."

Right chance.

"You've got to be...Aiden. Call Notre Dame and beg them to take you back. Now!"


"You can't be serious! This is your dream, your future-"

"You're my future."

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