(8) Tick Tock Spitfire

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"Marley I-"

"Don't," she growled out shakily, tugging on the ends of her hair, "Just don't Alec. Not one word."

She was turned away from him, the two of them still stood in the middle of the trail. Marley's head was spinning at what he did, at how he took advantage of her fall and kissed her when she didn't want him to.

She should've trusted Aiden's judgement. He knew. Dammit, he knew.

"Look I'm sor-"

Marley whirled around to face him, breathless and disoriented, "Why the hell would you do that, Alec?! Huh?! I have a boyfriend and I told you that I wanted you to get off of me!"

His blue eyes were sad, his broad shoulders slumped, "Look I just wasn't thinking-"

"You weren't thinking," she snapped, moving her arms around her torso to hug herself, having the urge to scrub her lips from him.

Alec flinched, "You have to understand, Marley. I just...I've liked you from the start, okay? And all along I've stayed out of the way but...what if you can just consider the idea for a second that I would be better for you? That you don't belong with him."

Marley's mouth dropped open at his audacity, but she was so speechless at this point that no words came out in response. I've liked you from the start.

Her mind raced, and it felt as though the wind was knocked out of her. Aiden told her that Alec was interested in her before, point blank, but she brushed it off as him being the jealous cavemen he is.

But he wasn't lying or exaggerating the truth. And now not believing him had come back to bite her.

"Alec I'm with Aiden. Aiden who will probably throw you around like a rag doll if he finds out you kissed-"

"I'm not afraid of him, alright? Marley he's a bully. He manhandles you and he's possessive and frankly a class A asshole. He doesn't treat you the way you deserve."

Now she had the urge to throw him around like a rag doll.

Marley opened her mouth to shout at him, defend Aiden, but closed it promptly. She'd let herself walking away from him for good do all the talking.

Marley turned on her heel and headed back down the way they came, trembling and just wanting to see Aiden right now. She felt sick and upset and overwhelmed by this; Marley had entered these woods catching up with a friend, and is leaving after being kissed, confessed about feelings to, with her boyfriend thrown under the bus to add icing to the cake.

Her boyfriend who she respects so highly and loves so deeply that Alec will never be able to be friends with her again.

"Marley! I get that you want to defend him but I think you're just blinded-"

"Blinded?!" she shrieked, stopping in her rampage to the boys cabin to whirl around and face him, "The only thing I was blinded about was your ulterior motives all along! You took me out here and got me alone when I'm in a committed relationship, Alec. That says a hell of a lot more about you than it does about me."

Marley turned back around again, beginning to lose her cool, her footsteps stomping louder and faster. Even though they were surrounded by miles of dense forest in every direction, Marley felt like she was stuck in a small room with him. Slowly shrinking.

"You are blinded, Marley! Okay! Now that you'll have nothing to do with me and I won't get a chance to say this again I'm going to say all of it."

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