(77) The Same Guy Who Made A Booger Scrapbook

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"How was it? Meeting Aiden's family," Gabby questioned.

"His Nonna Gardinali had a book of surrogates for Ian and Dylan. Mentioned at least twenty times in the span of an hour that teen pregnancy should be more common rather than less common. He has more cousins than I remember the names of and most of the time they spoke in ridiculously quick Italian. I didn't get much out of it."

"That's the Gardinali's," Leo pointed out with a quick grin. He was dressed in a light grey leather jacket, dark jeans and his tan combat boots. His short blonde hair stuck up in all directions. "Trust me, in person they're a lot more intimidating. You'll get used to it. Aiden has a couple older hot girl cousins and aunts though. So that's a bonus."

From where she was shoving her gloves on, Gabby wrinkled her nose, "Gross, Leo."

He leaned forward to tug at the armoire door until there were no barriers between. His head tilted, pale green eyes alight with mirth, "Jealous, blondie? Don't worry. It was only impersonal facts. I prefer mine blonde."

She narrowed her eyes at him, shoving the armoire door as a wall between them once again. Leo chuckled and returned to his place against the door. Gabby kept her head down, but Marley knows her well enough to know she was blushing.


It was 5:00 pm, and they were about to head out to pick up Gavin from the airport. Gabby returned to get more bundled up for the cold. Marley and Leo followed along. Aiden was also planning to be in attendance, because he remembers his one interaction with Gavin.

Where Gavin called her babe, and Aiden flipped out and threatened to beat him up in front of his 'mom' if he kept flirting with her.

Suffice to say Marley was already preparing for the showdown of the century.

They spent the rest of the afternoon after the Skype call with their friends and enjoying lunch. Most of the parents of their peers were planning to make the trip down tomorrow, but many were still loitering around camp and the mess hall, alongside the councillors. Ian and Dylan spent some time together alone but did join the group for lunch. Dylan merged seamlessly with their welcoming group.

Sarah's first words to him were that she wished that the hottest guys weren't always gay. Ian bristled. An awkward silence had ensued until Tristan kicked Sarah under the table and rushed to start the conversation.

A very interesting Christmas to say the least, and it was hardly over yet.

Aiden's entered the room, dressed in his matching jacket and dark jeans of his own, a white t-shirt clinging like a second skin to his chest. On his head was a black toque. Marley zipped her boots over her knee-highs, fingers fiddling with the edges of her open leather jacket. She smiled softly at the inscription on the breast pocket.

Trust Aiden to somehow put a claim on it so it's a win-win for the both of them.


Leo took passenger while Gabby and Marley took the back seat of Dalton's Challenger that Aiden was borrowing. Gabby's thin lips were pursed, her fingers twiddling in her lap. She was dressed in dark skinny jeans and a pale pink wool sweater beneath her jacket. She pushed her black Ray-bans glasses up her freckled nose, green eyes deadlocked on the city streets they passed on route to the airport.

Marley was content watching Leo turn his head, study Gabby's nervousness, open his mouth, and then decide against it, turning back to face the front. He repeated that entire cycle at least six times. Aiden noticed too. He and Marley locked eyes via the rearview mirror with equally amused expressions.

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