(15) Let Her Go

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Marley could accurately predict that she was going to be heavily embarrassed showing up late with Aiden, when they all left the station for the burger place at the same time.

She could also predict that the way she was looking at Aiden would cause him to swerve into a deserted parking lot, unbuckle her seatbelt and pick her up by the waist. As soon as she was straddling his lap, their lips were connecting in a rough, starving kiss.

Difference is, the second prediction was something she foresaw and made happen, the first was just collateral to the second.

She could live with that.

Marley's fingers buried into his soft hair, tugging as his hands slid along her back, following the curves of her hips with circling thumbs and the pulses that thrummed beneath her skin at his touch, Aiden's nature ultimately dominating the kiss. She slipped her fingers beneath the collar of his shirt at the back of his neck, tracing the smooth skin just beneath the hemline.

They parted their lips to breathe, the both of them panting loudly but his lips just changing course to her neck. Her back arched into his muscled body at the feel of his lips on her neck again.

"Missed this," he spoke huskily into her collarbone, smiling into her skin when her fingers squeezed around his hair.

She felt his fingers brush along the hem of her t-shirt, his leather jacket long ago discarded to the back seat.

"Is this-"

"Yes," she breathed.

And because he's Aiden Matthews - he doesn't need to be told twice. His hands slipped beneath her shirt fully, palming her back and sliding along the soft, smooth skin along her spine.

"Marley," he breathed - worshipped - as she tugged his hair, bringing her lips to his again.

He smiled into the kiss, "I should get arrested more often."

She gently whacked him on the back of his head, but her fingers were quickly curling around his hair again when he kissed her sensually, his roaming hands a sensory overload.

How it feels to be close to Aiden, it never dilutes. It's the same intensity as it's always been.

But in that next moment, a variable that Marley hadn't predicted presented itself . Her cellphone.

When the loud, incessant buzzing echoed from the cup holder, she jumped in shock. Aiden's hands slipped out from under her shirt as she grabbed for her phone, flinching when she saw Leo Kahn was calling and showing Aiden the screen briefly.

She scrambled off of his lap before she answered, Aiden getting the message to start the car and get them back on the road. She decided to bite the bullet and answer now, instead of delaying the inevitable teasing. She bit on her swollen lower lip, feeling like a kid at school in the principal's office.

"We gave you two an empty car and twenty minutes. That's as generous as we get. Tell Matthews I'll be your personal cock block hell if he doesn't drive his ass over here."

Marley winced, blushing madly, "We were just...we were...I was..." when she pictured how unimpressed he probably looks right now, she let out a defeated sigh, "We'll be right there."


He hung up after that, Marley letting out a thinking about how much she didn't want to face their friends, who knew what they had been doing while they sat and waited in the restaurant for their guest of honour.

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