(73) Worth The Risk

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Rant time about wattpad.

I DONT SEE ALL UR COMMENTS. I've noticed in reading back CWTHAW that there are at least a dozen (if not more I haven't come across yet) that have never shown up on my notifications feed.

It's annoying because some of them are really great/funny/interesting and I would've loved to reply to them! Except a response months later makes me feel like a dick. Lol.

I really do try to reply to many of my comments on both stories but how can I iF i DoNt KnOw ThEy ExIsT ?¿ *cue Illuminati music*

I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart thank you for all of your votes and ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS. Even ones I have never seen


i DoNt KnOw ThEy ExIsT.

Anyway, rant over.

Enjoy Chapter 73 ❤️😊


🎵: I'll Be — Edwin McCain


"I didn't like the way we left things, Lee."

Marley set the kettle on the stove and turned on the flame, leaning against the counter to face Max sitting down on a stool at the island. She was momentarily at a pause on how to respond — witnessing her brothers' best friend sitting in her kitchen again was a bit of a memory whiplash.

She cleared her throat, "I've been told I have a bit of an obsession. I'm beginning to think I need to let it all go."

Max's sea eyes softened considerably at the torn expression on her face, "If there's anyone who understands your need for answers, it's me. I was obsessed, too. But eventually all of the questions — the wondering why he would leave us behind — got the better of me. I just didn't want the same to happen to you."

"I get it," Marley reassured him quickly, "Because you were older when he left it was more difficult for you to deal with. You had the same questions I do and I can see why it drove you crazy."

He hummed, twiddling his fingers over the table. She knew what he was going to ask before he did, "Can I see it?" he spoke quietly, as if half-hoping she wouldn't hear him.

But she did, so she obliged, turning for the living room and grabbing it off the coffee table with a small twinge of pain she always felt whenever she touched it. As if it burned her. She set it down in front of Max, watching his expression smooth into acceptance and his fingers unwavering as he opened the journal.

Marley busied herself with preparing their teas, hearing the flip of pages behind her. "Just like Jacob to leave this behind," he murmured quietly, "He really did love you, you know. You were so important to him."

Marley inhaled sharply, having to palm the counter and brace herself against the storm of emotion his words invoked. Her eyes stung with tears she blinked away, "Losing him was one of the most difficult things I've ever experienced."

Second only to Aiden. Jacobi broke her, but Aiden put her back together because it's not about who makes your best days better. It's who makes your worst ones bearable.

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