(64) Bad Boys And Rules Are Mutually Exclusive Events

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As promised for CWTHAW hitting 50k :)


"Did you doubt me for a second?"

"You're going to get yourself killed!"

"Cute PJ's. All angry at me. I sense a full circle here."

Marley glanced down at her attire with mortification. She grabbed the first outfit her hands made contact with, which just so happened to be the froggy pyjamas. The ones she wore when she lectured him about an Instagram post he made where he called her his.

Which, in retrospect was foreshadowing anyway...

Besides the freaking point, Marley!

She huffed, shoving her fingers through her hair before attempting to push Aiden back out of her room by his bare shoulders.

"Back on the couch you delinquent!" She hissed quietly, not wanting to wake up Bryan and Jenna sleeping down the hall.

Aiden held his position in the doorway with a growing smile, watching her grunt and heave trying to move him.

"You're dating Aiden Matthews. Do you really think I'm going to choose sleeping on an uncomfortable couch over a bed wrapped around my hot girlfriend and these sexy PJ's-"

Marley slammed a hand over his mouth with flushed cheeks, glaring at him fiercely, "You're despicable! Bryan deserves respect for allowing us to stay the night!"

She dropped her hand with huffs of air, mad that Aiden's stupidly attractively annoying smirk was still playing on his lips, "Like you didn't see this coming."

Marley exhaled loudly, burying her face in her hands, "Of course I did," her voice was muffled, "but I was hoping you'd be mature for once in your life."

"I guess today is not that day," Aiden sighed loudly, before his hands were locking around her waist.

Marley's uncovered her face, her eyes managing to focus just as he scooped her up and walked them to her bed. Her mouth dropped as he set her down under the covers, crawling up beside her. She gripped his shoulders to stop him, "Aiden Matthews! No means-mhmh."

He pressed his hand over her mouth, using his free arm to crush her tightly to his body and lay them down together while she struggled and thrashed. He pressed his front against her back, holding her still while she shoved, squirmed with a face red with fury.

He dropped his hand from her mouth, his nose dragging up the side of her neck, "You done?"

"Done?" she hissed, going stiff as a board in his embrace, crossing her arms over her chest in front of her, "Bryan could walk in at any minute! This is his house! He wants you on the couch and-" Aiden gently pressed his hand over her mouth again, her ramble muffled.

When his iron hold proved to be inescapable, she stuck her tongue out and licked his palm, expecting him to rip it away. He held it in place, lifting to brush his lips against her ear, "Did you honestly think I'd bother me to feel your tongue anywhere?"

She scowled, huffing and puffing with embarrassment as he dropped his hand again with a low chuckle, wrapping himself around her and nuzzling into her neck. Her body was beginning to relax instinctively in his comfort, but her mind was pissed as hell. She could feel Aiden's smile on her skin — he understood that she was at war with herself to accept his embrace and the jerk was enjoying it.

"We're both going to be in serious trouble in the morning."

"I don't care."

"Bryan won't trust me anymore."

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