(44) Even Steven

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Double Update, Chapters 43&44!


Marley blinked, her hazel eyes as wide as saucers while she studied the man who knelt to flick the car off and slam the door to his red mustang.

From around Aiden's bicep Marley watched the man return to his spot leaning against the drivers side door, arms crossed over his chest.

She was too shocked to speak, to ask any questions.

"You realize you almost ran us the fuck over right?" Aiden asked tightly, but oddly enough made no moves to approach his...brother?

The man in front of them let out a dark laugh, "And you fucked my drunk virgin sister four months ago. Even Steven."

This entire situation left Marley reeling as her head snapped back and forth between her boyfriend and this whole other part of his life she never knew existed.

Aiden crossed his arms, "We were both tipsy and there was nothing about it that wasn't consensual. She told you both of those things herself, Eli. What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Call it a family reunion. I like to stop into visit the fucker who broke my sisters heart after he got what he wanted from her. Once in a while."

Aiden's fists balled, "I told her I don't-didn't date," He hissed, "And if you're here to start shit with me I'll drag you off the property myself."

Marley was still in total shell shock. Eli finally seemed to notice her.

"Whose the chick I almost ran over?" He grinned, tilting to try and see her better.

"You're lucky you're not bleeding from your fucking nose right now for driving like an asshole. Now call us even, and fuck off back to wherever you came from." Aiden growled back.

"I'm not going anywhere," he smiled devilishly, "and neither is she."

Marley heard the sound of the passenger side door clicking open. She shuffled further out of Aiden's shadow to see who had rode passenger with Eli.

The woman was a tall, slender blonde with voluminous curls and a dark red leather jacket. She may have been wearing leather pants too. Otherwise, that's all Marley could see about her in the limited lighting.

Aiden tensed from beside her as the girl gracefully sauntered over to Eli in heeled boots, popping a bubble with her gum, "Aiden," she purred, "I've missed you."

Marley had a million and a half questions she was dying to ask right now, but decided until they were alone to stay quiet and let Aiden handle this. He'd tell her everything she'd want to know later.

Even though he shouldn't have kept this from her in the first place, he'll be transparent with her now, she was certain of that.

The blonde's eyes were a very light brown, and they shot to Marley as soon as she took a lean against the car like Eli was. She crossed her arms over her chest and an ankle over the other.

"You gonna introduce us to your friend?" Her voice was husky with just the right amount of softness.

"Who are you?" Marley blurted, unable to stifle her curiosity anymore.

The girl curled a strand of her hair around her finger as Aiden leaned in closer to finally, finally give Marley some semblance of what was going on.

"This is my half brother, Elias. He's 19. He's my fathers other son that he had in an affair while he and my mother were still married. She found out and that's why they separated. The girl is his sister, she's 17, the daughter of Eli's new stepfather. They're not married, so technically Eli and her aren't legally related or otherwise. She's the one he..." Marley tilted her head up to watch Aiden's expression tighten, and a sigh escape parted lips, "was talking about."

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