(68) Wanna Have A Look At The Magic Happening In My Pants Right Now?

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🎵 : 'All of Me' by John Legend


"When I said you'd have to join me, this was so not what I had in mind."

Marley slid open the curtain, biting her lip against a laugh at how disgruntled Aiden sounded. He was dressed in a pair of her fathers' old basketball shorts and a wife beater, while she was dressed in a bathing suit underneath shorts and a tank top.

Obviously, Aiden being Aiden, imagined something a lot more perverted in his head.

"This was your idea," Marley reminded him with a giggle she couldn't stifle. She flicked on the facet, twisting the knob to a comfortable temperature and allowed it to warm up.

"My idea was a lot more fun and involved a lot less clothing."




He pouted, watching her slip his ring off her finger and rest it on the counter with a raised eyebrow.

She shot him a look, "I don't want to ruin it."

Aiden's lips were upturned in amusement as he took it off the counter, and slipped it back on her finger, "A hail storm couldn't scratch that thing. Keep it on. At all times."

Marley tilted it, watching it catch on the light, "I'm beginning to to think this is for more reasons than innocent ones. Like that you love me."

"The aliens need to know who you belong to, too," he replied casually.

She sighed loudly at the predictability of her caveman boyfriend as steam began to cloud the room, stepping into the shower and watching him follow her.

It was in that moment, watching the water soak his white wife beater (seriously, Marley? White?) and instantly exposing him in every delectable way that Marley realized this may have been a bad idea.

She cleared her throat, tearing her eyes away and turning to hide the blush creeping up the back of her neck. She came face to face with the rack of shower supplies, grabbing the shampoo and taking deep breaths to mentally prepare herself.

This was a lot more relaxed and a lot less sexually charged in her head. Dammit.

She turned at the sound of a loud, sopping thump. Her eyes widened into saucers. He'd gotten rid of the shirt.


Shirt is off.


"You...um...shirt?" She squeaked, trying so very hard to keep her gaze from lingering on the water cascading down the front of his bare chest.

Aiden didn't make a move to approach her, but the devious uplift of his lips told her that her current flustered state was obvious, "It was uncomfortable. You've seen me shirtless before. Something wrong?"

Everything. Why did this shower have to be so damn small? Why do I have to be such a dense idiot sometimes?

"No," she whispered, willing the shaky feelings away.

Aiden expression changed to something she was unfamiliar with. His eyebrows were furrowed as he pulled her in, gently by her hips.

"I can wash my own hair. Why don't you dry off, hm?"

Marley shook her head rapidly, "Turn around," she said in a voice barely above a whisper.

He scanned over her face one last time, before handing her the bottle and nodding. He released her, giving her full access to the hair on the back of his head. Marley had to stand on her tip toes and reach after she squirted a decent amount in her palm.

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