☾ Chaehyun's cologne ☽

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So, I started this yesterday but had to stop due to a migraine, but now I have shoved on some rain sounds and I am able to write again. I hope this isn't too bad, i am still sick so my concentration isn't too good but better than yesterday. I swear I get sick so easily. 


"Chaehyunnie hyung, Ten Hyung is being meannn."

Chaehyun chuckled as two arms slid around his waist. Turning his head, he found a pouting Haechan curled up against his back and Ten rolling his eyes behind him. Smirking, Chaehyun turned and wrapped his arms around the younger boy cradling his head close to his chest and sending a playful glare towards Ten.

"Hey!" He let go of Haechan and dramatically pushed him back and stood in front of him protectively, puffing his chest out as he walked towards an amused Ten. Chaehyun gripped the ends of Ten's jacket and brought him up close to his face. "What makes you think you can be mean to my son, Haechan huh? Did I give you permission? I don't think I did Ten."

Within seconds, the playful glare faded into a cute grin. Chaehyun leaned in close to the older boy and kissed his nose before backing up with the glare back on his face as he walked backwards pretending to warn him off. Ten stood with a smile on his face, silently judging. Chaehyun turned back to Haechan and pulled him back into his embrace, hugging him tightly before looking over his shoulder at Ten and shook his head. "How could you be mean to someone so cute? Look at him, he's crying."

Haechan wore a blank expression for several seconds before his face crumpled up and he let out a loud dramatic cry. Chaehyun grabbed Haechan's face and angled him so that Ten could see. "Look. Look at what you've done. I hope you're happy with yourself Ten. You made our child cry." Ten scoffed and turned on his heel leaving the two hugging boys behind.

Chaehyun shrugged and turned to face Haechan, releasing him from the hug and the younger boy let out a dramatic cough, falling to the floor. The older boys eyes widened as he watched Haechan roll around, clutching his throat. Chaehyun furrowed his eyebrows and prodded Haechan as he fell flat against the floor.


"I know you smell, Hyung but there's no need to drown yourself in cologne. Especially one that smells like that," Haechan's remarked.

What a brat. "What's wrong with my cologne?"

"It smells like something Taeyong Hyung would wear and he's old so--"

"Hyung is not old, you idiot. Now, go away from me before I call Ten back to whoop your sorry little ass. Run along down Donghyuk." Haechan sent a sweet smile towards his Hyung before skipping off in the other direction and when Chaehyun was sure he was gone, he lifted up his hoodie and sniffed the fabric.

He glanced around and caught the eye of Jungwoo who was smiling sweetly at him. Chaehyun gestured him over.

"Do I smell old?" 

Needless to say, Jungwoo never gave him an answer and he was left in wonder the entire day until Taeyong approached him and asked him the same question. 


The ending is terrible, I know but I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading. 

This wasn't proofread. 

Thank you so much for the endless amount of support. 

You are greatly appreciated 💓

- Blue x

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