Welcome To Class 1-A

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His piercing eyes never seemed to falter as he eyed my classmate with such disappointment. The way Todoroki stood there, taking it.

For the first moment ever...I saw exactly why Todoroki hated me...hated my quirk. And for once in my life, I knew what I truly wanted to do...What I needed to do.

I had to show Todoroki how to own his fire, and prove to that fake ass hero that Todoroki is his own person and not just some creation to be shown off.

I had to prove to Todoroki that he was more than just Endeavor's creation.


"Stay out here until I say so." 

"Ai Sensei," Leaning against the large door to the class, nervously lacing my fingers together as Aizawa reached for the handle of the door. 

I could feel his cold eyes gazing down at me, my apprehensive fidgeting not going the least bit unseen from the underground hero. I kept my sights on the blue linoleum flooring, trying my best not to let my embarrassment show.

A rough, large hand placed itself on top of my head, ruffling my hair slightly.

"You'll be just fine kid," I gave a small nod, watching as the tall, dark, and slender man entered the classroom, leaving the door slightly cracked open so I could listen for my cue to enter.

Standing by the door of the class was deemed to be an undisputable easy task...but at this moment it was anything but. With every word Aizawa spoke, the closer it was time for me to enter a classroom filled with judgy eyes, and random inquisitive questions to why I was nearly a week late into to the terms.

In reality, a whole four days wasn't a huge deal, but when you are being introduced a day after the press broke through the main gate, you could easily be labeled as suspicious, and untrustworthy. Two things I defiantly didn't want to be held against myself when I barely understand how the press did it myself.

"We'll be going the Unforeseen Simulation Joint this afternoon. This trip will be accompanied by myself, All Might, and a special guest. You will also have a new student joining us from now on," Mutters began to erupt in the classroom, my nerves tingling at the mention of my presence as I visibly began to sweat, "L/n, come in and introduce yourself."

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I undid my still intertwined fingers, sliding the door open slightly. My head stayed low, as my eyes wouldn't dare make contact with the other students in the room. Stopping in front of Aizawa Sensei's podium, my fingers found their way to a stray lock of my h/c hair.

"Hel-Hello, my name is L/n Y/n. It's nice to meet you all," Glancing up at the row of desks, my eyes scanned all twenty-one faces, all but one unfamiliar to me. 

My nerves seemed to take a small nosedive into semi relaxation as I saw the short bleached brown locks of my old friend from middle school. Someone who I haven't seen or spoken to in months. Watching a small wave come from her figure by the window, I gently waved back at her.

"Hehehe, yes! We got us a hot one Kaminari!" My small wave came to a sudden halt, as those words reached my ears. My face lights up in a small blush, my eyes scanning for the perpatraitor., only to met with a sight of a frog-like tongue to lunge across the room, smacking the ball headed boy that sat in front of Gina.

"Settle down. L/n you sit behind Satou. Satou stands up so L/n knows who you are," Aizawa broke the uncomfortable setting. A boy with dark hair and eyes rose from his seat. His rather large dark lips curving into a kind smile.

Returning the gesture timidly, I began my walk down the desk isle, passing by the last two desks the hem of my uniform jacket caught some loose papers from the desk next to me, knocking the papers on the floor scattering them everywhere.

"Ah! Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Here let me pick them up!" Bending down to retrieve the papers, another figure joined me, my eyes catching a strong mix of cherry red and snowy white hair. Reaching for a stray paper, I couldn't help but stare at the strange color scheme of the boy's hair, it's color, or in this case, colors seemed so mesmerizing to me.

"That seems to be all of them," His voice rang through my ears, a slight tingle running down my spine while only goosebumps were left behind the feeling. His head turned to me, hand outstretched to mine. His eyes seemed to differ just as much as his two colored hair did. The overall sight gave me a small hint of self-awareness. His eyes seemed so much brighter than mine, but at the same time held this sadness... or remorse even. 

My mind seemed to snap back into reality as the much taller boy's hand reached up for his left eye, my mind not even noticing the scar he had now fully covered. 

"Is there something the matter?" His eyes seemed to stress at my staring, causing me to turn my head to the side, handing the papers to the boys.

"No, it's just..." I looked back at the dueled hair boy, my pointer finger gesturing towards his hair, "Is that your natural hair color or...?"

His eyes widened in the slightest bit before he composed himself. He stood up from his crouched position on the ground, giving me his free hand. I gently placed my hand in his, the rough patches on his skin were chilled, something I found rather comforting.

"It's natural," He responded, before walking past me towards a wall with multiple cases on it, I, myself just now noticing the others filing out of the room with similar cases in tow.

"Hey there girly! Long time no see!" My eyes widened slightly at the new voice next to me. Turning my head to the side, I came face to face with the blue-eyed friend of mine. Her bright smile still as kind and welcoming as ever.

"Hey Yakatama," I greeted, earning a small pout from the girl. Her eyes narrowing playfully at me.

"What happened to Gina?" She whined, her arms holding a case with numerals hidden behind a blue and white outfit.

I gave a nervous smile and laugh, my hand rubbing the back of my head. 

"Sorry, I just thought since we haven't seen each other in a while you wouldn't be comfortable with a first name basis," Gina gave a soft laugh before handing me the neatly folded blue outfit.

"Aizawa Sensei said to give you this," Taking the outfit in hand, Gina continued, "And remember, you can always call me Gina, I actually prefer it that way. Now come on! Or we'll miss the bus!" With that said, Gina's hand clasped over my wrist dragging me to the locker rooms.

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