Character INFO

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SO! Welcome to this little book of mine that I'm writing on an impulse. ALSO GIANT  SHOUT OUT to my gurl Petlover1116 Who helped me with this story like A WHOLE LOT and probably will continue giving me help XDDDD Thanks, gurl! She actually helped me with your guy's quirk and how I can make things spicy! XDDD

Before we get into the details, The photo above is of you (Y/n) and Gina (A very important character)

Okay So let's get this crap out of the way and start this fanfic, shall we!??

Name: Y/n L/n

Hair color: H/c

Hair length: H/l

Eye color: E/c

Height: (Height)

Weight: (Weight)

Quirk: Fire

Fire; A Common, yet powerful quirk. Y/n has the ability to change the temperature of her fire. The Carbon atoms found in Y/n's sweat and saliva can ignite into flames at her own free will. The more body fluid, the more powerful and hotter the flames become.

Fire Combustion; User can wipe their Sweat or Saliva on a surface ignite the fire from a distance.

Fire Body; User can turn their entire body into a burning fire:

Fire Body; User can turn their entire body into a burning fire:

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Fire; Cold temperatures, dirt, water, and wind can knock Y/n's power down tremendously.

Fire Combustion: The Fluid can be ignited with a top distance of half a football field. (22,500 sq ft) But as of now, Y/n's top distance is 175.6 ft.

Fire Body; Users body has to have an extensive amount of body fluid in order to use this form properly.

Quirk Drawbacks: If Fire is used for time periods excessing the limit of 8 minutes User may begin to feel hot flashes, dehydration, and may experience fainting or times where her mind blanks out.

Power- 3/5 C

Speed- 2/5 D

Technique- 3/5 C

Intelligence- 3/5 C

Cooperativeness- 4/5 B

Name: Gina Yakatama

Hair color: Brown

Hair length: Short

Eye color: Blue

Height: 5"4 (162 cm)

Weight: 138 lbs

Quirk: Personage

Personage; User can use the dark matter in the air and combined it into a rock-like solid that builds up around the user's body creating a Monster like being :

Personage; User can use the dark matter in the air and combined it into a rock-like solid that builds up around the user's body creating a Monster like being :

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Disadvantages: Form takes time to build up, and is usually slow moving. This quirk also may go out of control if stress levels are too high,

Quirk Drawbacks: The dark matter from this quirk can cause negative thoughts, headaches, and nausea.

Power- 4/5 b

Speed- 2/5 D

Technique- 2/5 D

Intelligence- 2/5 D

Cooperativeness- 3/5 C

Now that that is out of the way!!!! Enjoy!!!

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