chapter 99

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Chapter 99

'Jacob?' Louis asked. We were lying on the wooden sun loungers in the hot, afternoon sun.

'Mmmm...' I cringed.

'What? What's wrong with Jacob?'

'We're a baby, not a werewolf.' I smiled and Louis burst out laughing.

'Well, I suppose Edwards off the table as well?' I laughed in reply.

'What about James?' I put the bookmark into my book and dropped it onto the floor next to my sunglasses.

'Mm... yeah. There was actually one name I've loved since I was little.' I said and Louis folded his arms behind his head and rested it on them. 'I'd always told myself that if I were to ever have a little boy that that would be his name.'

'Why haven't you brought it up sooner? What is it?'

I hesitated for a sec.


Louis looked at me with wide eyes. He thought for a moment then spoke with a soft voice.

'That's the one. Daniel. I love that.'

'Really? You aren't just saying that?'

'No, of course not. I actually really love the name. Daniel Tomlinson.'

'I think it's cute.' I said. 'So we're saying yes to Daniel for a boy?' I asked for confirmation.

'Yes.' He answered.

'Daniel if it's a boy and Jade if it's a girl.'

'Yeah baby!' He raised his hand for a high five, I slapped it and laughed. He linked his fingers with mine and his thumb stroked small circles on my hand as they hung between our sun beds, bridging the gap between us. He sighed softly as he flopped back onto the bed, still holding my hand.

'People are going to know as soon as we land that you're pregnant. Shall we tweet it now or something so the fuss has died down by the time we're back?'

This time I propped myself onto my elbow to look at him. 'Yeah' I grinned. 'I'm kind of excited for everyone to know and we're practically at 4 months, so we've passed the risky stage.'

'Let's do it then' he grinned. He grabbed his phone from next to mine on the floor between our sun beds. He suddenly stopped after unlocking his phone. 'How though? We can't just say 'Guess what... Aria's knocked up!' can we?'

'We could' I laughed 'but it wouldn't be the best way to do it. Or you could say 'You were right, we're going to be parents' or something like that.'

'Or I could take a photo and just say something like 'The new addition'?'

'Yeah, that's good. Do that.'

He grinned. 'Okay, lie down.' I did as I was told and waited for the next instruction. The sun was in my eyes again, so I slipped my sunglasses back over my face.

'Don't get my face in it!' I gasped, realising I probably look a state after being in the pool all morning. His loud laugh erupted next to me.

'I won't, don't worry.' There was silence again for a split second before the sound of a photo being taken. 'Have a look.' I felt his cold phone land next to me on the bed and slide to my side, cooling the area of skin it was touching. I looked at the photo he'd taken. It was done on Instagram so it looked really arty; it was a close up of my stomach with the pool in the background, my skin was shining and the sun filled the corner of the small photo.

'Awesome.' I smiled. I handed him his phone back and he tapped away silently before putting his phone back next to mine and resting his head on the sun bed again whilst smiling to himself. My phone vibrated on the floor, obviously a notification from twitter telling me I'd been mentioned.

The picture was there with the caption 'Say hello to the soon to be new addition to the 1D family. @A_Tomlinson you'll be an amazing mum!'

'You're so cute' I laughed, before standing up and pulling him over to the pool with me.

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