chapter 44

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Chapter 44

'Whose car are we taking?' Mark asked. 'I'm happy to drive but we won't all fit.'

We were all standing in the driveway. The twins were talking amongst themselves. Pheobe was is a white top and a flowy denim skirt, while Daisy wore a pink dress. Lottie was wearing skinny jeans, wedge heels and a peplum shirt. Her lips were a glossy pink that shone in the summer evening sun.

'I can drive if you want.' I offered. 'I don't drink so it means someone else can instead if I do.'

'You can drive my car.' Louis said, throwing me the keys. I caught them and grinned.



'I never thought I would live to see the day that Louis Tomlinson lets someone else drive his precious baby.'

He smiled and patted the car on the bonnet. 'Don't hurt her and I'll let you stay.' His family laughed.

'Gee thanks' I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

'We can take one of the girls in my car as well so they don't all get squashed in back.' Louis turned to the group of girls.

'I'll go with you!' Lottie grinned.

'There we are then. Are you sure you don't mind driving Aria?' Jay asked.

'No, I'm fine with it. I've been waiting to get behind that wheel.' I assured her with a smile and she just laughed.

'Alright, let's go.' Louis opened the door of the car so Lottie could climb in the back. Mark got the twins in the car while Jay locked the front door. She was wearing a black skirt and a red blouse. She looked really nice. Her long dark hair was curled slightly so it looked natural and effortless.

I climbed into the driver's seat of Louis' Porsche. He was sitting in the passenger seat next to me wearing denim jeans and a shirt, the neck was open so his tanned neck was on display, his collar bones just peeking through. I had to stop myself from kissing him passionately there and then. His little sister was in the back seat.

I bit my lip and turned the key in the ignition. The engine roared to life and I grinned.

'That is the most satisfying sound I've ever heard.' I say referring to the hum of the engine.

'Isn't it.' Louis agrees.

As I was backing out of the driveway Lottie squealed. Louis twisted around in his seat to look at her. 'What's wrong?' He asked, confused.

'Are these Christian Louboutin's?' She gasped. Louis looked at me and smirked.

'Yeah, they are.'

'Whose are they?'

I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw her slowly turning them around in her hands, looking at them from all angles.

'Well, they're not going to be mine are they!' He laughed. 'They're Aria's.'

'Oh my gosh, you're so lucky! Why aren't you wearing them tonight?'

'Because when I put them on I become 6 foot 2, and tower over most people.' I laughed.

'I think you should wear them. They are stunning!'

'I'll change into them when we get to the restaraunt then' I smiled at her in the rear view mirror.

She nodded with a smile on her face. And I smiled back, glad I was bonding with Louis' sisters. I felt Louis put his hand on my thigh, clearly he was glad too.

I kept an eye on the black land rover in front of me. I didn't know where I was going so I was following them through the streets.

I pulled up outside a small Italian restaurant. The large glass windows showed the classic Italian interior. It was fairly busy. They were waiters walking between tables in white shirts and black trousers, carrying trays of drinks on one hand high in the air.

Lottie handed me my shoes when I parked and I quickly changed my shoewear.

'Don't hurt your necks trying to talk to me, now.' I smiled.

Lottie just laughed and Louis rolled his eyes. They both hopped out of the car and by the time I had slipped the other shoe on Louis was at my door to help me out.

I handed Louis his keys reluctantly.

'That was the best drive of my life. I've never driven a car like that before!' I took Louis' hand as we walked over to his Mums car to meet up with them. Lottie skipped ahead calling her mum.

Lottie and Jay came over to me.

'See mum, look how amazing they look on her.' Lottie turns to Jay.

'They do indeed.' She smiles kindly. 'You look lovely, Aria'

I wanted to thank them.

I looked to Louis for reassurance. I could tell he was hoping for a different reaction this time. I slighty shook my head at him, feeling embarrassed and dissapointed. Louis didn't seem to mind and to save my embarrassment, changed the topic of conversation.

'Maybe next time.' He whispered in my ear.

'Shall we go in?' Mark asked. We nodded and followed him in. He asked for a table for eight and we followed the man to the round table in the corner. A few people noticed Louis and got a bit excited; he just smiled at them and carried on walking. Not once letting go of my hand.

'So, order what you want. It's my treat.' He said to everyone.

'Hmm...' Mark pondered. 'In that case...'

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