chapter 41

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Chapter 41

'I'm nervous.'

'Don't be, they are going to absolutely love you!'

'I don't know about that. I'm not very good with new people.' I lied.

'They aren't new. I've known them my whole life.' Louis teased. 'Come on and you and I both know you are just like me, love being around people. Don't you try and say anything about being unsociable, I can see right through you, babe.' He kissed my forehead. 'Besides, my mum is already your biggest fan.'

'What do you mean?'

'Well, from the millions of things I've told her about you, she already loves you and is just dying to meet you.'

'What if she sees me in person and changes her mind.' I panicked.

Louis turned to face me. 'Calm down. I've said this once and I'll say it again, they are gonna love you!' He found my hand with his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Before I knew it he was getting out of the car and the fact I was about to meet his parents became reality.

Louis opened the door for me as I was frozen in my seat. He chuckled quietly and grabbed my hand to help. I stood up and he kissed me on the cheek.

'I love you, that's all that matters.' He whispered.

'I love you.'

I shut the door behind me as Louis unlocked his front door. He waited for me to get to the top step before grabbing my hand and walking in with me.

'I'm home!' He called. He led me through the living room where his Mum was standing in front of the TV waiting. She rushed over to Louis and wrapped him in her arms.

'I'm so glad to see you. I've missed you so much!' She was saying into his shoulder.

A hand softly tapped my arm and I turned around to find Louis' dad. 'Nice to meet you.' He smiled. His voice deep and friendly. 'I'm Mark.' He stretched out his hand for me to shake.

'Nice to meet you too, I'm Aria.' I shook the hand he offered me and then he turned his attention to Louis, who was now free from his Mum.

'You must be Aria! I'm Jay. It's so nice to finally get to meet you.' She pulled me straight into a hug; her arms were tight around my back. I looked over her shoulder to see Louis smiling at me, his dad looking happy next to him.

'It's so nice to meet you too.' I said.

'We've told the girls to stay in their rooms for a moment because we didn't want to bombard you with people.' Mark explained.

'That's okay, I don't mind.'

'You will when you meet them.' Jay laughed. 'They can be loud. Four girls is not a quiet affair.'

'I can imagine.'

'You don't want to.' Louis mock rolled his eyes. 'You'll be begging for them to go away soon enough. You might as well bring them down Mum, they'll only be pressed up against their doors.' He walked over to me and put his arm around my waist.

'Okay, I'll just go and get them. Mark honey, put the kettle on.' Jay left the room and climbed up the stairs.

'Would you like a drink Aria?' Mark asked.

'Um, I'll have a coffee if that's okay.'

'That's fine.' He smiled. 'Tea, Louis?'


Louis led me over to the sofa and pulled me down next to him.

'Mum will be giving them a lecture upstairs, warning them not to go mad; they can get a bit excited.'

'That's alright. I'm used to large families.' I grinned and noticed it was only Louis and I in the room now.

'So, are my parents as scary as you thought?'

'I never thought they'd be scary. But I guess there was no reason for me to be nervous. They're lovely.'

Our silent conversation was ended by the sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs.

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