chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I woke up alone in the bed and sat up to look around. The balcony doors were open and a light breeze made the curtains gently waft in and out of the room. The sun was streaming in through the open doorway, filling the room with warmth and light. The quilt was messed up on Louis' side of the bed.

I flopped back down onto the bed and yawned. I felt something pointy digging into my arm so I felt around until I found it. It was a piece of hotel paper with a message from Louis.

'Had to go to work, slept later than expected. Ooops! I didn't want to wake you, you look so beautiful when you sleep, I didn't want to disturb you. Last night was so amazing I can't even describe how I feel. I'll see you later.

Lots of love, Louis xxxx'

I twisted over to the bedside table to look at the time on my phone before realising it would be in my bag, on the chair in the living room where it had been thrown in our haste to get to the bedroom last night. I sighed at the memory.

I climbed out from under the quilt and slipped on the dressing gown provided by the hotel. I trailed my hand along my dress as I walked past it, remembering the night before.

The purse was where I'd left it. It was 1pm! I'd slept for ages! I had 5 messages on my phone that I hadn't seen. One was from my mum.

'That's beautiful! Lucky girl, you'll look gorgeous in it! Enjoy and ring me tomorrow xx'

I had one off Harry saying 'Yo, is Louis up? We need to go, he's late!' and then another saying 'Never mind, he's here now. Looking tired, you should let him sleep more ;)'

I sighed, typical Harry.

I read through the rest of the texts before ringing Spencer.

'Sleeping beauty is finally awake! Did you have a good night?' I winced as she shouted down the phone. She had a habit of doing that, it's like she forgets that there's a phone in between us.

'You don't need to shout.' I muttered. 'Yeah, I'm awake. It was amazing. Perfect! I can't get over it. I just can't describe how incredible it was.' I couldn't help but gush to her.

'Sounds like you enjoyed yourself. You looked stunning!'


'Oh and by the way, you're on the internet. You're on Perez Hilton and loads of other sites. Google your name, you'll pop right up.'

'I'm on Perez Hilton!? Oh my god! I used to be obsessed with that site and I'm on it!? I'll look now. What are you up to today?' I grabbed my laptop from the side as I spoke.

I walked onto the balcony and sat at the table as she spoke. 'Um, well I'm just staying here. I was up late with Niall last night and Rose went out with Liam, I haven't spoken to her yet today so I assumed she was just doing the same.'

I tucked my feet under me as I waited for my laptop to load. 'Oh right, yeah that's fine. Do you want to go down to the pool or something?' I opened the internet browser and went straight to Perez Hilton.

'Sounds great! I assume you're not ready or anything. So give it a few hours.'

'Yeah, meet you at the pool at 3?' I searched Louis' name on Perez Hilton and the first picture that came up was me and him.

'Perfect, see you then.' I hung up and clicked on the post.

Louis Tomlinson's Lady in Blue!

One fifth of Britain's top boy band popped out for a bite to eat it Café La Boheme last night with his girlfriend.

20 year old Aria stepped out in an electric blue Alexander McQueen dress, black Christian Louboutin heels and carried a black Alexander McQueen purse in one hand and her hunky 23 year old boyfriend Louis Tomlinson in the other. Louis was wearing a Dolce and Gabbana suit that fit his toned body perfectly.

People from inside the restaurant have said they spent the whole night gazing into each-other's eyes, looking loved up and constantly smiling. One witness said 'They looked so happy. Especially Aria, she looked like the cat that got the cream!'

We're not surprised, with a boyfriend like that we'd be smiling like the cat that got the cream too!'

I couldn't help but squeal to myself. I went to Google news and searched Louis. Loads of sites came up and all had the same few photos of us.

I sent one of the photos to my phone and made it my wallpaper. I closed the lid of my laptop and hugged my knees on the chair. The sun was filling the sky, glittering and shimmering on the turquoise ocean and people were running around on the sand, I could hear some screams and squeals drifting across to where I was sitting. The heat was already intense on my skin so I stood up and went inside to get ready.

Love Can Conquer AllTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon