chapter 30

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Chapter 30

There was a white box on the bed in front of me. It was tied shut with a cherry red ribbon and a card was placed on top of it held shut by a red wax seal. I threw my beach bag on the floor and sat on the bed next to it. I carefully picked up the box and set it on my lap, ready to open after I read the card.


I'm still at work and will be until late, so I got this delivered to our room. I hope you like it and if you do, could you possibly wear it tonight? I can't wait. I'll meet you in reception at 8pm. I won't see you until then.

All my love, Louis xx

He must have written it in the shop, the writing definitely wasn't his. The thought he had put into it made me smile and love him so much more. It was so sweet of him to do.

I gingerly lifted the lid off the box and moved the pristine, ivory tissue out of the way. Inside was the most beautiful dress you could ever imagine. The first thing I noticed was the incredible electric blue colour of the silky smooth material. I carefully pulled it out of the box and held it in front of me. It cascaded down; the dress was floor length, and had only one shoulder strap. The material twisted from one side of my bust around the front and up my right shoulder. It was stunning. There was a split to it just above the knee on the left side of the dress.

It was beautiful. I stood in front of the mirror and held the dress in front of me, careful to avoid it touching my skin. I didn't want any grease from sun tan lotion to stain it. It was only then that I saw the label. It was small and black, located next to the zip witch went straight down the side. I gasped when I realised where he'd bought the dress from. It's not every day you get an Alexander McQueen dress for no reason!

I slipped it onto a coat hanger and hung it on the mirror. I took a step back and couldn't help but stare at it. It was the most gorgeous thing I'd ever been given. I grabbed my phone and quickly took a photo before texting Louis.

'I love you! I love you! I LOVE YOU! The dress is absolutely stunning. Thank you and I love you so much xx'

I then sent my Mum the photo, saying;

'Am I the world's luckiest girl or what? Xx' She'd be asleep so she wouldn't see it yet. Before I knew it Louis had texted back.

'I'm so glad you like it, it took me ages to choose! Love you too xx'

I couldn't help but dance around the room. The hottest guy in the universe loved me and he had bought me an Alexander McQueen dress that would cost me a year's wages to buy myself! I seriously doubt there is anyone luckier than me!

Before I could waste too much time dancing around and staring at it I stripped off my clothes and jumped in the shower.

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