chapter 18

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Chapter 18

'Tacos?! Oh, how you know me!'

Louis grinned. 'Yup. Harry's specialty. We have them all the time, he loves making them.' We both took a mouthful at the same time. They tasted amazing!

'Woah! Ok, those are some great tacos. Who would have thought Harry Styles could cook?' I scooped up another mouthful, not wanting to stop eating.

'I know right!' For about 10 minutes we basically ate in silence. We both finished and put our cutlery down.

'He could win competitions with that! Seriously, best tacos I've ever eaten and I've eaten a lot of the in my lifetime.' I sighed.

He cleared the plates away. 'I agree.' He grabbed the lemonade and topped my glass up. 'So, Harry didn't get around to making anything else, so, um, that's it.' He laughed guiltily.

'I'm stuffed anyway, so that's fine.' I helped him stack the dishwasher and then blew out the candles on the table.

He pulled me over to the couch. 'It's time!' He looked like a child on Christmas day; his face lit up and his eyes were shining.

'Time for what?' I didn't have a clue what he was on about. He picked his laptop up and opened it. The black screen lit up to show his Facebook page.

'Invis Ibleman?' I laughed as read off the screen. 'That's really your Facebook name?'

'Yeah. The fans found my last one and I still wanted to keep in touch with my actual friends and stuff, so I made this one.' He typed my name in the search bar and clicked on my profile. He clicked the 'Send Friend Request' button, logged out and handed me the laptop.

'What am I doing with this?'

'Log in, accept me and then change your relationship status.' He grinned.

'You really want me to change my relationship status to in a relationship with Invis Ibleman? How weird is that going to look? People will think I'm some kind of weirdo.' I laughed.

'They won't, we'll take a photo, upload it and then tag me in it so people know it's me.'

I logged into my Facebook, un-checking the 'remember me' box, I didn't want him to have access to my account, he is a joker after all. I had 10 notifications and a friend request. I accepted Louis and then changed my relationship status.

'Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! That thing I wanted to show you earlier. We're in Heat magazine.' I said as I logged out. I handed the laptop back to him, he logged back in and changed his status too.

'Really?' He looked shocked.

'Yeah, I brought it with me. Where's my bag?' I stood up and went to go and get it from by my shoes but remembered he's put it somewhere. He left the room and came back carrying my bag.

'That's amazing! You look really nice!' He said as he looked at the page.

Why? Why would you compliment me? It will make this conversation awkward.

I smiled and looked down at the page 'Yeah.'

Louis brushed a bit of hair out of my face and placed it behind my ear. 'So beautiful.' He gave a small smile. 'You have no idea.' We stared into each others eyes for a little until I finally pulled away and looked down again. Louis just smiled, not seeming to be affected or offended by my actions, but kept his eyes on me the whole time.

Louis changed the topic before it got to uncomfortable. 'I guess everyone knows now then and I'll probably have tweets about it. I haven't been on twitter for days, so god knows what's been said. How would you feel about taking a picture? We could post it and it would answer everyone's questions and I won't have to tweet loads of people explaining.'

'What kind of picture?'

'Just like, I'll kiss you on the cheek or something. It that okay?'

'Yeah, but I look like a mess, try not to get too much of me in.' I leant over the table next to the sofa and grabbed his phone.

Louis leaned over to me, kissed my cheek and I took the photo. It was the seventh photo that I finally gave him permission to use, even though he protested each time I said no to others. The one I allowed him to use was basically him, kissing my forehead. I was smiling and we both had out eyes closed. I really liked it and so did he.

We looked at all the tweets people were sending about the photo. There were loads of people that were happy and a few that weren't. Louis had written a caption under the pictures explaining who I was. It said 'Guys, meet Aria. The newest member of the 1D family! Xx' It was sweet.

Louis dropped his phone on the couch as he stood up.

'What film are we going to watch?'

'I don't mind. You choose.' I grabbed his phone, opened a new message and sent the picture of him and me to my phone. He noticed what I was doing and smiled, not realised I'd seen him.

'How about Grease?' He waved the DVD in the air.

'Yes! I haven't seen it in years'

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