chapter 49

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Chapter 49

We sat around talking all afternoon. Louis now knew everything about my family. My dad and brothers really liked him and were having a laugh about sport, mainly football, and other manly stuff. At about 4:30pm Caleb suggested we all play a game of football in the backyard. I looked at Louis and he was up for it. So we split into two even teams. Louis and Caleb against Lucas and I.

Thankfully having two older brothers payed off and I didn't look like a total idiot. I had played football with my brothers when I was growing up and was actually quite good if I must say so myself. I don't think Louis was expecting me to know what to do with the ball. After about an hour of football we all called an end to the game, Louis and Caleb winning by one goal.

All four of us came back to where my mum was bringing out some plates and dad was heating up the barbeque. We all sat outside in the fresh air, laughing and chatting about random things. Louis really started to feel like one of the family.

When everyone had finished eating mum stood up to take the dishes into the house.

'I'll help you.' Louis, Caleb and I said in unison. She laughed.

'You all can, if you're going to be that enthusiastic about it.' She said. We did as we were told and grabbed a plate each. Dad and Lucas had cooked, as usual, and we had a rule in our house. If you cooked you didn't have to clean up.

We all stood around laughing and chatting as we stacked the dishwasher and tidied up.

'Thank you for your help.' Mum said as we all went back outside. The air was still warm even though it was getting dark. The pool reflected the flickering light of candles and soft music floated outside from the house.

'So what do you plan to do while you're here?' asked my dad.

'I was going to take Louis to the beach tomorrow if the weather's alright, introduce him to a few people and then I don't really know.' I shrugged.

'Well, I was thinking we could go out for a meal either tomorrow night or Thursday night. If that's okay with you?'

'We could go out tomorrow and I'll cook Thursday if you like.' I looked at my dad and he nodded.

'That sounds great.'

We spent the rest of the evening chatting, Boss stretched out asleep under Louis' chair. Every so often his hand would reach down and stroke him and he'd snore lightly in response.

Eventually my dad and mum went to bed, so I was left with Louis, Caleb and Lucas.

'So tell me something about being famous.' Caleb asked.

Louis laughed. 'It's crazy! Well and truly crazy! There's always people screaming at you and sometimes it can get a bit intense, but it's so much fun.'

'Do you enjoy it?' Lucas asked

'I love it! I don't think I could ever want to do a normal job after having an experience of this life.'

'Now I'm a bit jealous.' Lucas laughed. 'Alright, I'm calling it a night. I'll see you tomorrow.' He strolled over towards the house and the dog followed him, ready to go to bed as well.

'I think I might go to bed too. Night.' Caleb said, slowly rising from his chair and walking sleepily into the house.

'Night.' I called back.

It was just me and Louis outside. I walked over to the bench Louis was sitting on and curled up against his warm chest. I kissed his cheek and then yawned.

'So, how was meeting my family?' I asked.

'Not too bad. Your family are incredible.' He said looking down at me. 'Your mum's amazing, your dad and your brothers are great. And then there's you.' He looked deep into my eyes.

'What about me?'

'You are the prettiest, funniest, smartest, most amazing person I have ever met! I feel privileged to be your boyfriend.' He tightened his arms around my waist.

I looked down, smiling shyly. 'Well, you just happened to be the most charming, sweetest, fun, goofy, stunning person alive! What are the chances that I get someone as perfect as you as my boyfriend.'

'The only perfect thing about me is the relationship I'm in with you.' He kissed me lightly on the lips. I broke away and leaned my head against his chest looking at the silent setting of my backyard.

'What are you thinking about?' Louis asked after a moment.

'I was thinking- actually I was trying to work out how, out of the millions of girls that would love to be your girlfriend, I got picked.'

'And have you come up with a solution yet?'


Louis turned to me. 'Luck? I think it was a little stronger than that. Fate. Aria, there's not a single doubt in my mind that we should be together. I chose you because.. I don't know... I just kinda knew from that moment, out in your backyard at your party, when you first agreed to be my girlfriend, that that was only the start of our relationship. It may sound corny but I kinda just felt that you were, you know, 'the one'.' He kissed my forehead and looked down at me.

We watched each other for a moment before I broke the silence.

'I love you.' He told me.

'I love you.' I hugged him. 'So much'

'Why do you do that?'

'What? Tell you I love you?'

'No, but you never say 'too' after replying to my 'I love you'. I've always wondered why you did that.' I felt his hand run up and down my back.

'My parents do it. When my dad would tell my mum he loved her. She never said she loved him too, just 'I love you'. I don't know why. I guess it just sounds like you're agreeing with the person when you say 'too'. The habit just kinda stuck with me I guess.' I tell him.

'I like it.' He replies.

I look up at him. 'I like it too.'

'No no. Now it just sounds like you're agreeing with me!' He teases.

'I am agreeing with you, so I'm allowed to say 'too'.' I bite back, stiffling a yawn.

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes. I felt as though if I closed my eyes for more than a couple of seconds, then I would fall asleep straight away. So I stood up and grabbed Louis hand.

'Let's go to bed.'

'Ok.' He got up and wrapped his arm around my waist. 'Where are we staying tonight? In your old room?'

I laughed. 'My old room was tiny, only enough room for a single bed.' He looked at me with a confused expression. ' we're in the guest room.' He sighed and then coughed a laugh. Where did he think we'd sleep? In the car? I grabbed a few glasses off the table and Louis took the others. I blew out the candles as we went, plunging the garden into darkness.

'Follow me.' I whispered as I grabbed Louis' hand and led him upstairs to the room we'd stay in.

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