chapter 24

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Chapter 24

The sun was coming up over the streets. It was already getting quite warm but the grass and streets were still damp with dew from the night before. The smell of drying grass and concrete filled the air and only the faint hum of traffic could be heard, everything else was quiet, until Spencer walked out of the door that is.

'It's okay Aria, you sit there on your suitcase and leave me drag mine out alone!' She huffed and puffed as she bumped her suitcase down the steps from the front door to where I was sitting, waiting. Her big red suitcase was twice the size of mine. She'd bought so much stuff to take with her.

'I carried mine out here alone. You shouldn't have packed so much if you can't carry it.' I laughed.

'Why do you always have to be right?' She huffed as she finally got her suitcase next to mine.

'I'm surprised you're ready on time for once, you never usually are.' I watched her as she checked her make up in the screen of the phone.

Her long blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail, hanging down between her shoulder blades, her makeup was subtle but perfect, the only evidence she was wearing any was the faint flicks of eyeliner at the corner of each eye and the shine of her lip gloss. She was wearing a black t-shirt, jeans and flip flops. Her pale skin looked lovely against the black of her top. She looked flawless. Oversized black sunglasses rested on her head.

I was wearing jeans, a white tank top, Toms and my Ray bans. I put on minimal makeup and my hair was straightened and my side fringe pinned out of my face. My skin looked really dark compared to Spencer's. She never tanned and I always did. I was blessed with olive skin that I wouldn't give up for anything.

'I had to be on time, you can't just wait for the next plane if you miss it, it's not a bus.' She said checking her watch, as if she were actually worried about being late. She never made it anywhere on time.

'Wow, Spencer you've changed.' As I said this a silver mini bus pulled up and Louis and Niall jumped out. She gave me a quick mock glare and stood up.

'Morning ladies.' Niall called. He kissed Spencer on the cheek and Louis kissed my lips quickly.

'You ready?' Louis asked, picking up my suitcase.

'Yep! Let's go!' I picked my handbag up and followed Louis to the car, looking at his bum as we went.

'I can see you in the reflection of the window you know.' He laughed.

'I'm allowed to.' I smirked.

'I know you are.' He turned around after putting my suitcase in the boot, pulled me close and kissed me. His tongue entered my mouth and moved around.

'Ew, guys, break it up!' Zayn's head peered between the back seats. 'I just had breakfast.' He winked at me and turned around, his dark black hair just visible over the top of the chair.

We climbed into the mini bus. The entire band was in there, including Spencer, Rose and I. I'm surprised we all managed to fit. Everyone was laughing and chatting. Louis held my hand tightly the whole way to the airport. Every so often he'd whisper things into my ear making me giggle quietly which caused Harry to raise his eyebrows at us. A lot!

'Here we are guys. You need to meet Perrie in the departures lounge so you can get a brief and other stuff I don't understand.' The driver said, peering into the back. Zayn said something to him and then we all got out calling thank you's.

'Let's go to LA!' Louis called grabbing my free hand. One of mine was firmly wrapped in his and the other was pulling my suitcase. I laughed as I saw Niall ahead of us pulling his and Spencer's massive suitcase as she walked next to him looking guilty.

We entered the airport and were greeted by a wall of screaming fans.

Oh god!

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