chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I looked up from my lap to see a group of guys peering down at me. My heart began beating at the 400 mp/h. It couldn't be healthy. It was Harry who had spoken.

'Hi' I said, trying not to stutter,

Holy shit, they are even more beautiful in real life. Can at least one of them not be a work of art? They were all wearing jeans and a hoodie. They looked so casual and laid back yet perfectly put together all at the same time.

'Can we go and sit over at that table over there? My feet are killing me!' Harry moaned, pushing his perfect brown curls up off of his forehead.

'Yeah, can we? We've been standing up all morning!' Zayn grumbled, looking at Louis.

'Sure. Guys this is Aria. Aria, this is Liam, Niall, Zayn and Harry' Louis said standing up and gesturing to each of them in turn.

We all walked over to the round table and sat down. I ended up sitting between Louis and Zayn. I'm in the middle of a Zouis sandwhich.

'So Aria, where do you work? Louis said you were working today.' Niall asked me. His gorgeous Irish accent was simply stunning. I could listen to it all day.

'Oh, um, Starbucks, just over there. It pays the rent, it'll do.' I smiled.

'That must be amazing! Starbucks all day every day, discount included.' Liam said.

'Yeah, the perks of it are good.' I grinned.

'So Louis took you to Nandos. Did you like it?' Niall asked, getting excited just at the thought of Nandos food. Not that I blame him.

'It was great! I can't believe I've never had it before!'

'You're going to be going all the time. It's addictive, trust me.' He laughed.

'We should all go sometime.' Harry piped up.

'Yeah, sounds good to me. You up for that Aria?' Louis looked at me.

'Yep! Sounds great!' I smiled.

'You'll have to introduce us to some girls, we're all depressingly single,' Niall sighed. 'Besides Liam and... well, now Louis.' He added on awkwardly. I looked at Louis and he smiled at me, so I just gave Niall a smile.

Liam spoke up to make the situation a little less awkward.

'Rose has tried introducing people to you but you don't seem interested!'

'Well, there's this party on Friday.' I said, they stopped talking at looked at me. 'It's, um, at my house. You guys can come if you want.'

'Count us in!' Harry practically shouted. The others nodded their heads in excitement.

We carried on chatting for about 10 minutes until Liam checked his watch. I knew what was about to happen and I was actually quite sad about it.

'Guy, we have to go, we have to be back in the studio.' Liam looked around the group. 'It was great meeting you Aria, we'll see you Friday.' He said standing up with the rest of the guys.

'Yeah, we'll see you Friday!' Zayn called as he waved goodbye and left, the others did the same. Louis stayed by my side.

'It wasn't too bad was it?'

'Nope. So One Direction is coming to my house party. Sounds... dangerous.' I laughed.

'It probably will be, hide anything fragile. I'd better go. I'll see you Friday. It was nice to see you today.' We both stood up and he pulled me in for a hug, I didn't want him to let go. I could feel his heart beating against my chest, he pulled away and kissed me on the cheek.

'Yeah, you too. I'll see you Friday.' We looked each other in the eye for a bit longer and then we both walked away.

I grabbed my phone and opened a new message. My friend Spencer from Uni was a pretty big fan of the boys.

"So, One Direction are coming to the party on Friday... !!!!!!!!"

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