chapter 47

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Chapter 47

I sat in the car as Louis said one last goodbye to his family. I'd said mine and quickly left them to it so they could have some time alone. They'd all hugged me tightly and told me how nice it was to finally meet me. I thanked them for having me and said how nice it was to meet them too.

Louis called goodbye one last time and got in the car.

'You ready?' he asked as he started the engine and wound down his window.

'Yeah.' I smiled.

His dad leant down and poked his head through the window. 'Drive safely Lou, don't go showing off on motorways.'

'I won't.' Louis sighed, as if he'd been told many times before.

'Don't worry, he's under my radar.' I joked, smiling at Louis' lovely father.

'I was nice to meet you Aria. Come back soon.'

'You too and I will.'

Louis reversed out of the drive using one hand and waving goodbye to his family with the other. I waved as the car pulled away from the drive and just like that we were going.

The day we woke up in the field, we went out for lunch with a few of his close school friends. They'd told me so many funny stories about Louis, including the time he was suspended for mooning the head teacher in the school production of Grease.

It was 10am and we were heading back to London so we could swap cars. I was driving us down to Wales as Louis doesn't know where to go. There was a three hour drive ahead of us until we got home and then another three hours in the car to my parents' house.

'Are you nervous to meet my parents?' I asked as we got onto the motorway.

'A little bit, but I have about 7 hours to go until I meet them, so I'll try not to think about it.' He grinned.

'You'll be fine. Trust me.'


'I need to pee so badly.' Louis said as he danced around the garage under his apartment. I'd just pulled up behind him in my car as he'd dropped me home so I could pick mine up, then I followed him to his place.

'Go then.' I laughed. 'I need to too thinking about it.' He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the lift in a hurry.


We were finally on the motorway in my car. It was 2pm and we'd just stopped for lunch. We had about three hours of motorway and driving ahead of us, but it was a straight forward drive.

Louis had his window open, his bare brown arm resting on the frame. The sunlight was bouncing off his skin, the wind from our motion on the motorway was flapping his t-shirt madly and his hair was blowing around.

The radio was on and he was singing his heart out. His eyes were closed and his head was resting against the head rest. His bare feet were propped on the dashboard of my car and his other hand drummed out to the beat of the song on his knee.

I came to junction and had to slow down because of small amounts of traffic, so while I had the chance I grabbed my iPhone from the door pocket and with my free hand took a photo of him without him realising. I had this moment frozen in time on my phone. It was perfect.

The traffic moved along and I increased my speed again, Louis was still singing. I looked over expecting to find his eyes still closed but they were open, watching me as I drove. In his hand was his phone, taking a photo of me.

'Now we both have a picture that was taken then you thought I wasn't looking.' He smirked. He reached an arm over, resting it on my thigh as I drove and he sang.

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