chapter 93

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Chapter 93

I thought back to how I could feel eyes on us as we ate in the restaurant yesterday lunch time. There were hushed whispers and definite inhalations of shock when I took Louis' hand in mine across the table. I can swear I even heard someone gasp 'She's forgiven him!' which made me smile. As we left a lady, about 40 or so, came up to us and grasped my arm. 'You shouldn't have forgiven him like that.' She was shocked when I replied with 'I have nothing to forgive him for. Have a nice day' and left with Louis' arm around my waist as we battled through the paparazzi waiting outside.

The pile of documents sat in front of me took my attention from the past to the present again. I'd missed a few weeks of work and was being given a case to work on straight away. This time, however, it didn't contain any angry or bitter family members for me to worry about.

I was about to start reading through the information when my phone, which was on the table next to me, began to ring.

'Hello Aria, this is Dr. Albert. I'm not interrupting anything am I?' The doctor from yesterday's voice filled my ear.

'Hi. No, I'm okay to talk.' This was a perfect excuse for procrastinating. I dropped the pen I'd picked up on the table and pulled my feet onto the chair, so I could rest my chin on my knees.

'Okay, good. I've got the test results back, the lab was having a quiet day, they're back much quicker than usual. I don't know how you'll view the news, but personally I'd see it as good.' He cleared his throat as I thought about what he said.

'Um, okay' I honestly didn't know what he could be on about. Louis must have heard me talking to someone so he came into the room. I flicked my phone onto loud speaker and placed it on the table. He came to stand behind me, his hands on my shoulders.

'Right, well, the results have come back indicating that you're pregnant. Two months to be precise.' My legs slipped off the chair and Louis hands were suddenly no longer on my shoulders.

'Woah. Um. Thanks.' I stuttered.

'That's all there is really. I'll leave the news sink in and send you the date for your 12 week check up. Congratulations.'

'Thanks.' I replied and hung up.

I sat there in silence looking out of the window. I was shocked. I genuinely didn't expect that to be the reason. I was surprised, pleasantly so. I sucked in a shaky breath and spun around in the spinny chair to face Louis. He was looking at me with the biggest grin on his face.

'W...we are having a baby?' He stuttered and I knew I had to confirm it one more time for him. I nervously nodded my head. 'WE ARE HAVING A BABY!' He took my hands and pulled me off the chair, before I knew it he was hugging me tightly and spinning us around, my feet weren't on the floor. His excitement was infectious. I started laughing with joy, Louis soon joined in.

'Two months' I thought aloud. 'It's the 28th right?' I asked him.

He put me down and looked at me. 'Yeah, why?'

I did the maths in my head. 'It was the night I came back from the hospital' I said. It made sense. 'So, add 7 months...It should be born in October.' I grinned. He picked me up again and laughed.

'Excellent!' We were spinning around, laughing madly celebrating the fact we'd soon be parents. He set me down and kissed me. It wasn't a racy kiss, it was romantic, happy, proud even. It was up there with my top 10 kisses from Louis. I sighed as his lips left mine and grinned at the glint in his eye.

'What are you thinking?' I asked.

'That this is the best day ever.' He smiled. 'And that I can't wait to tell the boys. If, you know, that's okay.'

'That's fine.' I grinned. 'This will be the luckiest child ever! The other boys and my brothers, your four sisters. It's going to be so spoilt.'

'You bet. With us as parents it will never want for anything!' He grinned again and pulled me into a hug. 'Let's go and tell the boys.' We left the apartment with nothing on our feet as we were only going next door and down the hall. He didn't let go of my hand the whole time.

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