chapter 69

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Chapter 69

I sat on the bed with my phone pressed against my ear. I was dressed and ready to head back to the hospital, I just had the small task of getting the day off work. It was the receptionist who answered.

'Hi Brooke, It's Aria.' I said quietly, pretending to be ill. 'I don't think I can make it in today. I've woken up with an awful migraine.' I felt bad for lying, but Louis was my number one priority.

'Of course, I'll let Steve know. I hope you get better soon.' Brooke's voice was quiet as she spoke, obviously believing my story well enough to warrant not talking too loud.

'Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow.' I hung up and looked around the room. It's the last time I'll be here alone. I was excited to bring Louis home, even if he would be in pain for a few days.

I wandered into the living room to kill some time before leaving to find Harry sprawled out of the sofa. I lifted his feet up, sat down and lay them across my lap.

'Hello Harold.'

'Hey Ri Ri.'

He switched the TV off and sat up as I smiled.

'Tell me about your tour.'

He face lit up like a child on Christmas morning. 'It was sick! We had so much fun! The crowds were massive and everywhere we went there were loads of people waiting for us. It felt so good. How was your new job?'

'It's really good.' I smiled. 'But not as interesting as your tour. Where are the girls? I thought they were coming back to same day.'

'They stayed in Germany with Perrie. She didn't want to come home just yet and neither did the girls. Zayn thought it would be good for all the girls to get to know her. So they are staying there for a little while. So that means you've got us all to yourself for a little while.' He grinned.

'Oh God this could be a disaster.' I laughed.

We were quiet for a while.

'When are you going to the hospital? He flopped his head onto the arm of the sofa, his brown curls falling in his face.

I checked the time on my phone. 'In about 5 minutes. Do you wanna come?'

'Um, yeah, is that okay?' He looked at me. 'You don't mind sharing him with me do you?'

I laughed.

'No Harry. I will not share Louis with you. Stuff the band, he's all mine.' I laughed. 'Course I don't mind. Harry, I knew as soon as I met Louis that whatever happened I'd always have to share him with you! Of course you can bloody come!' I lightly nudged him in the leg. 'Come on, get your stuff together, we're going.'

I threw his legs off my laps and laughed as he mock frowned at me. I slipped my feet into my shoes and picked up my car keys. 'Yes Ma'am.' Harry called as we left the apartment and headed to the hospital.


We made our way down the horrible hospital corridor in silence, both of us thinking how grateful we were that Louis would be leaving that day. I couldn't bare him spending any more time there alone. We came to the familiar door and Harry swung it open, nearly hitting the nurse that was stood in front of it.

'Oh god! I'm sorry!' He reached out to her before realising it was the horrible Martha. He quickly yanked his hand back to his side and mumbled 'or not.' I snickered as she glared at him and left the room with a dirty look on her face.

'Well, isn't she just a big ray of sunshine' Harry said so Martha couldn't hear. I laughed and Harry turned his attention to Louis. 'How's the patient?' Harry flopped down in one of the chairs. I sat next to him and noticed Louis looked so much better. He wasn't pale or tired looking. He looked well rested and healthy enough to come home, much to my relief.

'I'm pretty good thanks. No pain or anything, just a bit where the stiches are.'

'Good' I smiled. 'When can you come home?'

'In about half an hour, after the doctor checks my stiches, then I can go.' He looked excited at the idea of leaving.

'Has he told you you're not allowed sex for two months?' Harry asked seriously.

'No!' Louis said shocked. 'Really?'

'Nah, only joking. I googled it.' He grinned wickedly.

'Gee thanks, Dr Styles.' Louis smirked and then winked at me.

We chatted and joked until the doctor came. Harry was right, Louis could do 'it' whenever he wanted, just as long as he didn't do it too much. Throughout the entire conversation I flushed an unnatural colour of tomato red. Harry laughed and nudged me, the doctor just grinned knowingly.

Harry took Louis' belongings in one hand and wrapped his free arm around Louis' shoulder. I held his hand as the three of us made our way out of the hospital, hoping that we wouldn't have to go back for a long time.

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