chapter 27

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Chapter 27

My hand was linked with his limp one. His chin rested on my head and his arm was still around my shoulder. My legs were over his lap and I had his jumper on. I could feel his breath blowing on my head. He snored lightly and I fell back asleep into his warm embrace, my head tucked into his neck.


We were woken up by the captain speaking over the loud speaker.

'This is your captain speaking, can the cabin crew please prepare for landing.'

I yawned as Louis sat up. I had to stretch out my arms because they felt like they'd been tied into a knot for the last two hours.

'It's weird to think we met on a plane.' Louis whispered. Lots of people were still asleep. Zayn was in front of us snoring very loudly for someone who is normally quite quiet.

'I know. What did you think when you met me?' I whispered back. 'I bet you thought I was going to scream in your face and then faint.'

He chuckled quietly so as not to wake anyone up.

'No, I thought you were very pretty. Although I did hope you wouldn't scream in my face, I wanted you to be normal.' He smiled. 'Then you spoke to me and you seemed so shy and I realised you were normal.' I smiled at his sweet words. 'But then I got to know you and now I'm not feeling that 'normal' is an accurate enough word to describe you.' I lightly slapped his chest.

'I'll admit, internally I was freaking out. I couldn't believe it was you. Then when you got on the plane the next day as well I was just a hung over state. I wanted to curl up and die, then and there.'

'You didn't look a state.' He protested.

'You're kind of obligated to say that considering you're my boyfriend.'

'Even if I wasn't your boyfriend I would still tell you how pretty you were,' he says sincerely and I force myself not to look down or freak out at his compliment. 'Even if you did look a state, everything I was looking at was blurry so I wouldn't have noticed.'

The plane started to descend as we carried on our discussion.

'I couldn't stop talking to Stan about you the night of the party. I was mad at myself for not getting your number. I genuinely thought I'd never see you again. It may sound cheesy but when I got on the plane the next day and you were sitting in your seat and I knew there was something special here.' He whispered and looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes, he knew I couldn't resist.

'You're so romantic.' I grinned and leant in to kiss him.

'I'm so glad you're coming with us. When Liam clarified if Rose was coming and they said yes, I knew straight away that I wanted to ask you too. I was so excited when you said yes.'

'When you asked I could have screamed with excitement. It just seemed like a massive step and I wanted to do it so badly. I'm so glad you asked and I can't even describe how happy I am that I could come.' I paused for a moment. 'Do you have a break when we get back?'

'I do, I have two weeks off, why?'

'I want you to meet my parents.' I said slowly.

'I would love to meet your parents. Maybe I could go and see your parents and you could then come to Doncaster and meet mine.'

I smiled.

'That sounds perfect! I know my mum's desperate to meet you and she'll probably drag my brothers home from Coventry to meet you as well. God help you.' I laughed.

'Well, it's only fair seeing as you have to meet all my sisters. They can be pretty wild, especially the twins.'

'I can't wait.' I said and leaned forward so our foreheads were touching.

'Me neither.' Louis kissed me on the forehead.


The plane touched down and people began to wake up. Zayn stretched in front of us as the plane taxied along the run way, Niall and Spencer started giggling again, it's like they never stop! Harry yawned very loudly and Liam and Rose untangled themselves from each other and sat up straight.

Louis stood up ready to walk into the aisle. He stretched his arms and turned to face me.

'Ready for a very hot and busy three weeks?' He asked.

'As long as I'm with you I'm ready for anything.' I said unbuckling my seat belt and standing up.

Louis pushed me back down onto the seat and kissed me passionately.

'Let's go then.' He whispered against my lips. We broke apart from each other. Louis took my hand and we all got off the plane.

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