chapter 96

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Chapter 96

'Babe!' Louis called from the other room. 'Ari! Come and see this!'

I left the kitchen, where I was making tea, and followed his voice into the living room where he was sitting on the iMac I'd bought him for his birthday a few years ago. 'What's up?' I asked as I headed over to him.

'Fancy going on holiday?' He spun around in the chair to face me.

'Um, where?' I asked. This was certainly news to me. I didn't know he was thinking about going on holiday.

'I was thinking we could go to the south of France for a week or something, see if you're getting rusty at the old French lingo yet' He spun back around to face the screen. 'There's this really, really swanky villa in Cannes. I was thinking we could go.'

I leant over him to look at the photos of the villa. He was right, it was definitely swanky. It was a large, white building, the stereotypical European villa style. It was on a mountain, with the most beautiful view of the sea ever. The grass lawns were perfectly cropped and arches opened the house up to the pool which was set in a patio surrounded by palm trees and modern looking garden furniture. I flicked through the photos of the inside. Everything was modern, my preferred style of interior decoration. 'This is really nice. But when do you plan on going?' I carried on flicking through the photos, taking in the views of the pool, bedrooms (posh), bathroom (swanky) and the kitchen (top of the range).

'Next week?' He asked, looking at me carefully to gage my reaction.

'Next week?' I repeated. 'I thought you were working?'

'Nah, all the boys wanted a break so we asked for a week off from rehearsals. Plus, you just finished a case; you can take a week off before picking up another one.'

'True...' I stopped to think for a minute. He did have a point, I didn't have to take up another case until I wanted to, being a Barrister was very much 'self-employed' I got to do a case whenever I wanted (if they came up) and could pick and choose most of them. Also, it would probably be our last holiday as a couple without a child. Things were going to get hectic soon. 'Let's do it.' I smiled.

'Yeah baby!' Louis stood up, kissed my cheek and then immediately returned to the computer. He fished around in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He slid out his credit card and leant forward to book a week in the gorgeous villa in the south of France.

I moved away from the computer to head back to the kitchen. 'Tea's nearly ready. It's not Nandos though I'm afraid.'

'Okay.' He mumbled, clearly concentrating on the computer. 'I'll be done in a sec.'

I walked away feeling genuine excitement in the pit of my stomach. I had a feeling that next week would be bliss.


The next morning I woke up in fear. What the hell was I going to wear? I couldn't remember the last time I'd been on holiday, probably our honeymoon. I didn't really have any holiday clothes, plus I was four months pregnant and definitely starting to show. I grabbed my phone and opened up a new message.

'Crisis! We need to go holiday shopping... today! xx' I sent the message to Spencer, Bo and Rose before jumping in the shower. Louis had already gone to work; he still had three days of rehearsals before we could go away on Saturday. By the time I got out they'd replied.

'Definitely! XO' Spencer texted.

'Sure thing, love xx what time?' Bo had texted.

'Shopping spree!! I need new clothes too :/ time?.' Rose had said.

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