chapter 39

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Chapter 39

I sank down onto Louis' bed, the soft mattress cushioning my body as I landed. The soft material of the pyjamas I'd kept at Louis' apartment was soft against my skin. Louis flopped down next to me and I lifted my head up to rest it on his outstretched arm.

'It's nice to be home.' He sighed.

'Tell me about it. As much as I loved LA and I had so much fun, nothing beats being back where you belong.' I rubbed my hand up and down Louis' stomach, lightly tracing the grooves of his muscles with my fingers. The hairs stood up as goose bumps broke out on his skin in response to my touch.

He pulled me into him and I rested my head on his stomach, my knees curled up by his side. His arm was wrapped around my waist and held me tightly. And that's how we fell asleep.

On top of the sheets with the balcony door and the curtains open. The summer air of London floated into the room, cooling but heating us at the same time. The sound of traffic faintly echoed as the night sky blanketed the city.


'Ariaaa.' I heard a voice call as it pulled me from my sleep.

I opened my eyes in shock, expecting to see Louis but finding Harry leaning over me instead, nudging me with his hand. He grinned when he realized I'd had a fright and sat down next to me on the bed.

'Louis is in the shower, he told me to wake you up 'cause he said you read somewhere that to get over jet lag you have to jump into the routine of the time zone you're in.'

'Oh god, I forgot I'd said that.' I rolled over onto my back and sat up. We both sat on the end of the bed, our legs hanging over it. I looked at what he was wearing and realised he was in his pyjamas too. When I say pyjamas i meant he was just in a pair of jogging bottoms.

'What's your plan for today?' I asked as I rubbed my eyes with the heel of my hand.

'Just relaxing and hanging around. I'm going to go home tomorrow and see everyone, so I'll get my stuff ready today.'

'How long are you going for?'

'A week, I haven't seen them for ages. What about you? What are you up to?'

'I have to go home and get some clothes to take to Doncaster. I'm meeting Louis' family.'

'Ooooh! Meeting the family! It's about time.' He grinned.

'I know I'm really nervous.' I smiled sheepishly at him and fiddled with the tie on my pyjama pants.

'Don't be, they'll love you, especially the girls. They love anyone that loves their big brother.' He patted my leg reassuringly and stood up.

'Thanks.' I smiled and stood up with him. He pulled me into a hug.

'I'd better get ready then. See you later. I'm cooking tonight.' He grinned wickedly as he left the room.

As Harry left Louis sidled in past him. His towel was wrapped around his waist, water droplets still clinging to his chest.

'Morning sleeping beauty.' He came over, put both hands on my neck and kissed me. Then he walked into his wardrobe so I shouted my reply.

'Morning. What time do you want to go back to my place?'

'Um, it's 1 now so we could go whenever you're ready.' He came back into the room fully dressed in chinos, a t-shirt and his tanned bare feet.

'Yeah, that's fine. I'll shower now and then we can go.' I said, heading for the bathroom.


Walking into my house was like walking into a stranger's home. It felt like I hadn't been there in ages. Everything was how Spence and I had left it the morning we left.

'I'm literally going to throw all this in my washing basket, grab some new clothes and we can go.' I handed Louis a red bull from the fridge, the only things we had in there, and went upstairs to my room.

Some of the clothes that I wanted to take with me I'd washed at Louis' and packed, ready to take with me.

I picked out the white box with the scarlet red ribbon from my bag. I opened it with the same amount of excitement I'd had the first time. Louis' face turned into a huge smile as he saw my reaction to the dress. He didn't get to see my face the first time I saw it although I was still just as amazed by its beauty this time and my facial expressions weren't too different from the first time. The tissue rustled as I lifted out the dress and hung it on a hanger inside one of the protective covers Louis had given me especially for it.

I jogged down stairs with my bag and dumped it near the door. 'Done!' I called to Louis who was walking down the stairs. He reached the bottom and walked in the direction of the living room. I mentally crossed off everything on my check list checking to see if I had packed everything. I remembered something that I hadn't put in my bag and went into the bathroom and retrieved it before stuffing it in my bag. I have my bag, my clothes, my phone, now I just need to find Louis.

I walked through the door expecting to find him watching TV or something but he wasn't there. Confused, I tried the kitchen and didn't find him there either. I looked out the window and saw him. He was sitting on the bench under the tree where we'd sat the night we became a couple. He was holding his red bull can, looking at the sky.

'Penny for your thoughts.' I called out as I leaned through the open kitchen door. He looked up and his smouldering eyes met mine. He grinned as he stood up and came over to me.

'I was just thinking of that night at your party. It was amazing.' He wrapped his arms around my waist and I pulled him back into the kitchen.

'It was pretty spectacular wasn't it?' I said and he nodded in agreement.

'Have you finished packing?'

'I have indeed.'

'Great, then let's go. I want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can in the next few hours before I have to share you with my family tomorrow!'

I giggled as he pulled me through the house. He picked up my bag and swung it back and forth as we went down the steps towards his car.

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