chapter 63

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Chapter 63

'I know you're disappointed that you can't go to Europe, but this is an amazing thing to happen for you and your career. I can't tell you to just drop it and follow me and my job. I'm so proud of you.' Louis said to me later that night. He came over to the couch where I was sitting and sat down next to me. I leaned up against him and sighed.

'I really wanted to go.' I said against his chest.

'I know, and I wanted you to come too. But there is going to be tones of other tours you can come to and I promise you that when we're old and grey and still madly in love I'll take you around Europe. Just the two of us.' He spoke with his lips pressed to the top of my head, I could feel his breath warm against my skin.

I couldn't help but laugh at the image. 'In our wheelchairs? That'll be great.'

'Definitely. I'm sure Harry will have a super hyperactive grandchild by then, we can hire to push us around.' I felt his lips break into a smile, which made me smile too.

'It sounds perfect.' I sighed. 'How were rehearsals?' I asked, changing the topic.

'Hilarious!' He pulled away to look at me as he spoke. 'Niall fell off the stage, which was brilliant until he convinced us he'd broken a few ribs, we got the paramedics in to check and then he told us he was joking!'

'The boy's an idiot.' I laughed.

'Actually, guess what happened after rehearsals?' Louis said, like the thought had just popped into his head.


'Ok you know our assistant manager, Perrie?' He asked.

'Yeah. What about her?'

'Well, Zayn and her have always gotten on so well. They've been closer than the rest of the band has with her. Anyway, Zayn asked her out a couple of weeks ago apparently. And we caught Zayn stealing a bit of a kiss after practise today.' Louis said, like an excited school girl who'd just heard the latest gossip and was dying to tell someone.

'Really? No way!' I said.

'Way.' Louis nodded his head.

'Aw, that's cute. Now that I think about it, they're perfect for each other.'

'Yeah, which means now we all have someone. Zayn usually feels a bit left out some times cause he doesn't have a girlfriend but he's never been desperate, so it's not like he's dating Perrie just so he's not left out. You can see it on his face when you talk about it. He likes her.' Louis said.

'Wow. He's so damn quiet that no one knew.' I joked.

'Niall's not quiet and he kept Spence and him a secret for a while.' Louis pointed out.

'Good point. Maybe we just aren't very good friends.' I laughed.

'I think you might be right.' He grinned. 'I think we are so in love that we aren't seeing anyone else but each other.'

'I know. What are we going to do? What would the boys want us to do? I think we should stop being in love and focus on our friends.' I suggested as a joke. I stood up and Louis stood up with me. 'We should start thinking of others.' I said jokingly. Louis turned to face me, pushed me down on to the couch and climbed on top of me.

'No way! You're all I'm thinking about.' He kissed me. I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him closer to me. He was basically lying on top of me now, not once did my lips leave his for the next 5 minutes.

I pulled away, but had to smile when Louis disagreed and pulled my face back to his.

We broke apart a few minutes later and both sat up.

'So what did you get up to today?' Louis asked.

'I went shopping.'

Louis gasped. 'Without me?'

I laughed. 'Yep.'

He smiled. 'Are they new clothes for work, by any chance?'

I grinned. 'They sure are. Do you wanna see?'

'Definitely. Go and get them on. I want a private catwalk.' He laughed.

'You're not serious?' I ask hesitantly. He pushes me up from the sofa and nudges me towards the bedroom.

'Okay, Okay.' I laughed. 'But don't laugh at me! Not all of us can wear casual clothes to work. Some people have to look sophisticated.'

'I promise!' He called as I shut the bedroom door behind me.

I looked at the pile of bags on my bad and thought Oh God, here we go

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