chapter 26

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Chapter 26

'I hate hanging around before getting on a plane.' Louis sighed, stirring his cappuccino. We were sitting side by side and my legs were tangled in his under the table. He held my hand, twisting my new ring around on my finger. With my other hand I lifted up my drink to take a sip.

'Same, although it's a lot easier with you around to keep me company.' I kissed him on the cheek and rested my head on his shoulder.

'I love you' he whispered.

'I love you.'

Louis' phone vibrated on the table in front of us. I sat up as he answered it.

'We have to go to the departure lounge thingy again. We have about 20 minutes until we need to board.' He explained as he put his phone in his pocket.


I picked up my handbag, Tiffany's bag, took the hand Louis offered to me and we left. Walking through all the people, back to the lounge and more difficult this time. People knew One Direction were here and were on the lookout.

'Louis!' Someone screeched. 'Can I have a photo?' We turned around to see two teenage girls holding mobile phones. One of them was about 16 and the other 13. The 16 year old thrust her phone at me, smiled and made her way to Louis.

'Um, ok.' Louis said as he put an arm around their shoulders. I fiddled with the phone I was given and found the camera app.

'Um, are you going to smile?' I asked the younger one of the two. She was just glaring at me. A look of pure hatred etched on her face. Louis looked at her and she smiled, so I took the photo quickly before she could shoot me daggers again.

'Use my phone now!' The rude 13 year old grunted, snatching her friend's phone out of my hand and replacing it with hers.

I went through the same process, this time she actually smiled for it though.

'Thanks Louis!' They both said. The little one shot me a look of filth again and they left.

'That was a bit awkward.' I mumbled.

'I know. Some people are actually so rude.' I looked at the ground, knowing that I was the reason she behaved that way. As if he read my mind, Louis hooked his finger under my chin and forced me to look at him. 'You alright? Don't let that stuff get to you, ok? If they were real fans they would be happy that I'm happy.' I nodded and Louis wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He kissed me on the cheek and we continued walking.

We walked through the door to find the rest of One Direction lounging around. Niall and Spencer were talking with Liam and Rose. They were laughing hysterically at something Niall was saying, so we went and sat with Harry and Zayn until out flight was called.

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