chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Louis and I had been dating for two months. One Direction had released their newest album and announced their European tour dates. I was still in Uni, about to finish for the summer. Louis had been travelling around the UK promoting the album, doing interviews, radio tours and TV shows.

All my friends and everyone in Britain knew were are dating. He'd confirmed it in interviews and we'd been papped together on dates. The attention was pretty insane. I'd had to decline about 3, 000 friend requests on Facebook and my twitter account gained thousands of followers, even though I never tweeted.

Spencer had returned from Ireland after her nan's funeral. She was really quiet. I tried to cheer her up as much as possible but the only person who seemed to do it was Niall Horan.

They'd met at a party the boys had thrown. I brought her with me to try and cheer her up. I introduced them and they got along perfectly. She was always texting him or on the phone to him and he'd finally make her begin to cheer up.

'You ready, Spence?' I called upstairs. We'd finished college for the year that afternoon and we were going out with Louis and Niall to celebrate.

'I'm coming!' I'd been ready for twenty minutes; as usual she was running late. I looked at my phone. Fifteen minutes late.

I smiled at my phone. My wallpapers with the picture Louis had put on Twitter of us that week I stayed at his place. It was my favourite one. We had loads of others but it was still my favourite.

'We're outside xx' popped up on my screen.

'Won't be long xx' I replied. The boys sat in Niall's car, waiting for us.

'Spencer, they're here..!' I shouted as she came to the top of the stairs. 'Oh, sorry. You look really nice.' She wearing a simple flowery dress, wedged and carried a denim jacket and bag.

'Thanks, you do too!'

I locked the door behind us. Spencer was already hugging Niall who had stepped out of the car to open her door. Throwing my keys in my bag I walked into Louis' open arms. He was leaning against the car.

'You look gorgeous!' He mumbled into my hair. As we hugged he'd kissed me on the forehead and spoke to me with his lips still pressed there.

I smiled at him gratefully. He had made it his personal assignment to get my self-confidence up. He thought I was unaware of his efforts although I noticed the spark of hope in his eyes everytime he would compliment me, hoping for a different reaction than shying away. And I watched as that hope in his eyes dissapeared everytime. Only to be restored with more determination.

I pulled away and sat in the back seat of the car next to Louis. Spencer was in the front.

Louis was wearing a white t-shirt that was tight across his arms, dark jeans and his black Converse. His hair was falling perfectly across his face and his blue eyes shone.

'You look really tanned.' He said, looking at my arms. 'Is it fake?'

'No! I was in the sun yesterday and just happened to catch a tan.' I looked at my arms and noticed that they did look browner.

'So, where are we going?' Louis asked, popping his head between the two fronts seats as he grabbed my hand.

'Nandos!' Niall said.

'Yeah!' Spencer cheered. She had a big appetite too. Her and Niall are meant to be.

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