chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Walking through the door I was faced with a large window looking right out onto the beach. Through one door there was a white room with a large white bed. There was a plasma TV on the wall and a floor to ceiling window also looking onto the beach. The main room had a small kitchen unit and a large, white sofa and another plasma TV. Everything was white! It was so beautiful and so clean looking.

I flopped onto the bed and sighed as I kicked off my shoes. My eyes were closed when Louis flopped down next to me and started kissing my neck. My hands were in his hair as he kissed from my neck to my temple.

His hands were running up and down my body. I pulled his shirt over his heard and he un-did my jeans. Once they were off he pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. He pulled off my top and then flipped me onto the bed so he was on top.

‘Louis!’ I giggled as he nibbled my ear lobe.

‘I love you so much’ he mumbled into my ear before showing me how much he did.

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