chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I woke up first. Louis was squishing me down onto the sofa. For a small guy he was very heavy! I craned my neck to see the time on the TV. It was 3pm. We'd been sleeping for ages. I nudged Louis' leg with my knee, the only part of me that could move.

He groaned as he twisted on me. Feeling suddenly shot up the right side of my body, we both sat up and groaned.

'Afternoon.' I mumbled, running my fingers through my hair.

'What time is it?' He sighed and did the same, flicking his hair around until it settled the way he wanted it to. I saw it for the first time not straight and perfect. It had a slight curl to it and it looked adorable.

'3pm, breakfast has certainly been and gone.'

'Oh man, I wanted to take you somewhere as well! I'll have to do it tomorrow.' He smiled at me. What?Excitement was coursing through my veins.

'What did you want to do?'

'It's a surprise.'

'Noo! None of that! No 'it's a surprise' or 'you'll see'. Not this time, I-' I begin but Louis silences me with a kiss.

'You don't like surprises much do you?'

I shake my head.

Louis leans his head in close and whispers in my ear. 'Too bad' he smirks at me. 'We can do it tomorrow if you're free?' He grinned at my coyly.

'I'm free, but please tell me!'

'Nope. I'm not telling you. I'll pick you up at 11.' He was smirking at me. Any other guy and I'd have hated it, but on him was perfect.

'Fine!' I threw a cushion at him as a stood up. 'I'm gonna get changed, help yourself to anything in the kitchen.'

He threw the cushion back at me. 'Will do'

I picked up my shoes and ran upstairs. I put them in my wardrobe, grabbed my grey trackie bottoms and Hollister t-shirt and put them on.

I tried to make myself a bit more presentable in record time. I'd cleaned my teeth and hopped down the stairs, happiness still running around inside of me.

I found Louis looking in my fridge.

'Find anything?' He jumped when he heard my voice and hit his head on the fridge.

I started laughing and walked over to him.

'What are you laughing at?' Louis turns to me

'Nothing. I've done that more than a few times. Believe me, there is a trick to grabbing the food and not getting a concussion.' I said placing my hand over his which was right on top of the place where his head had been hit.

'I see that. And for your information I did find something. But it all needs cooking and I can't cook anything.'

'What do you want?' I asked and gently nudged him out of the way. Taking his place in front of the fridge.

'I was thinking, an omelette?'

'Coming right up. But you have to help' I grabbed the milk, cheese and ham from the fridge and the eggs off the counter.

'Fine, I'll help but don't say I didn't warn you!'

I told him what to do and he did it, surprisingly well although he managed to get more shell in the bowl than the actual egg.

I cut the omelette in half and put a piece on each plate. Louis put his expertly sliced tomato on it and called 'viola!'

'Don't say that yet. You haven't tasted it.' I laughed.

'You're lack of faith in my cooking is upsetting.' He pretended to frown but couldn't quite keep a straight face. His beautiful white teeth peaked through his lips.

He pushed a forkful of omelette into his mouth and chewed. I watched his face as he swallowed.

'Wow! That's amazing! Ok, I have officially just hired you as my personal omelette chef!' He was already piling his fork with more.

'I'm not actually looking for a job right now, but if you're nice to me I might make you one more often.'

He put his thumb up as he chewed to agree with what I said.


We were curled up on the sofa; we'd been talking for ages. We cleaned up my house and he even ran home, had a shower, changed and came back.

'The X Factor's on!' He grabbed the controls off the coffee table where it was resting on my Law book and flicked the volume up as the theme music played.

'Ok, I'll be there in a sec.' I called from the kitchen to Louis in the living room. I filled a bowl with popcorn, grabbed a beer for Louis and a red bull of myself and entered the living room.

'This is awesome.' Louis sighed, wrapping his arm around me as I sat down next to his warm body. I pulled my feet up onto the couch and crossed my legs as Louis grabbed a handful of popcorn.

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