chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I looked into the mirror and straightened out my dress. It was a one shouldered, skin tight black and silver dress with sequins. I paired it with black wedge heels and my hair hung by my waist in loose curls. The dark colours of my makeup matched with my dress as I put on eyeliner and some smokey eye, eye shadow.

I went down stairs and checked everything was alright. The beer was in an ice bucket in the kitchen and the music was sorted. Spencer was still getting ready in her room.

'Aria!' Spencer shouted from upstairs.

'What?' I called up, I stood at the bottom of the stairs to hear her better.

'So, um, you know One Direction are coming tonight?'

'Yes' I rolled my eyes. She was at the top of the stairs where I could see her. She hadn't stopped talking about them ever since I sent her the text.

'Well, they're all single apart from Liam right? And you're really getting on with luscious Louis...' She'd decided he needed a nickname.

'Um, yeah... why?'

'Does that mean the others are openly available and looking for a young, single, intelligent girl to keep them occupied?' Typical Spencer.

I rolled my eyes at her. I'd already told her they were single and that they were coming for a good time.

'Yes Spencer, but please don't be all over them, they're coming for a laugh, not to be dribbled on by a rabid fan!'

Spencer just laughed. 'Oh Aria, who do you think I am?'

I sighed heavily and went to answer the door. The first people were beginning to arrive. There were about 20 people on my doorstep, all holding some sort of alcohol. I ushered them in and left the door open, the weather was nice, people could filter in as and when they wanted.

About an hour later my hour was crowded with people, music blasting and the living room was full of people dancing. I'd just been into the kitchen to grab a drink when I noticed a crowd of people come through the door again. I went up to greet them when I realised who they were.

'Hey, you made it.' I grinned as five gorgeous faces turned to face me.

'We did, nice little place you've got here.' Zayn smiled, looking around.

'Thanks.' We chatted for a bit and they all went off to get a drink. I caught Spencer's eye and gave her a warning glare, telling her to be calm.

I felt a hand on the small of my back. I turned around on the spot and came face to face with Louis' head.

'Hey' Louis said smiling, 'you look amazing'

'Thanks you look good too!' I shouted over the music. I looked him up and down taking in his blacks jeans, white top and denim jacket over the top. His hair is styled perfectly and his vans spotlessly white.

'Cheers. Do you want a drink?'

'No thanks, I've just had one. Do you want to go outside or something?' It was hard to talk over the music. He nodded so I grabbed his hand and led him through the house out to the back.

I found Spencer on the way, in the corner with a guy definitely not in One Direction. Obviously she doesn't have standards. All that fuss and hype about wanting to hook up with one of the boys and then this.

I flopped down onto the bench under the tree.

'This is better.' I had put lanterns around the garden, hanging from trees and hedges. Music spilled out from inside and couples and groups of people were dotted around.

'It looks great. Plus, everyone seems to be having fun.' He looked around the garden at all the lanterns and then took a seat right beside me.

'Do they? I was worried they'd find it boring.'

'No, I think this may be the relaxing thing that especially us boys need. Just a nice party where we can hang out and have a good time'

'Well, I'm glad then.'

We talked for ages. Only interrupted when we went and got another drink, but it was quickly resumed once we got back outside.

We were out there right up until the early hours of the morning, people started to leave and go home or to continue the party elsewhere. Spencer left with her new 'friend' and at one point during the night we saw the other 1D boys chatting with a group of girls.

An electronic beep punctuated the night.

'Hah, typical. Liam's gone back home to see Rose and the others have taken their dates elsewhere. It's just me. They said to thank you for a great night.' Louis told me as he pushed his phone back into his pocket.

'Well, at least they enjoyed it.'

'I did too. I still am enjoying it.' Louis spun his leg over, so he was straddling the bench, facing me.

'Me too.'

He took my hands off my lap, put my bottle on the floor next to his and held my hands. I looked up at him.

Louis looked deep into my eyes before he spoke.

'I really like you, Aria. Really, really like you. It hasn't been ling since we met but it feels like it has. You're so easy to talk to and you actually get my jokes, let alone out sass me half the time.' We both laugh. 'Did... Did you want things to go further and be, um, my girlfriend?' His speech was punctuated with um's, clearly showing his nerves, but he held eye contact with me the whole time.

My heart was thudding in my chest. Ok this could be a dream, but if it is, nobody pinch me. I pulled his face towards mine and kissed his lips. 'Yes' I whispered; my mouth still on his.

He kissed me properly then. A kiss you would see in a film or something you read about in books but you never actually believe is real. It was amazing.

Eventually we had to stop kissing. We were in the UK after all, the weather isn't great. I began to shiver and Louis became aware of my shivers as well.

'We should go in.' He stood up, still holding my hand.

'This is what I get for wearing such a small dress on a night like this' I reffered to the cool weather.

'Well I can't say it didn't work to impress. Because you look incredible.' Louis glances at me as we stroll inside. I blush and look down at the ground.

Compliments aren't really something I have ever been good at recieving. Every time I get one I feel like a vending machine trying to accept a wrinkly dollar.

Louis notices my uncomfortable reaction as he leads me to the living room but doesn't aay anything.

The last few people had gone. Surprisingly, it wasn't too much of a mess. Nothing was broken, just plenty of bottles scattered around.

We sat on the sofa and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

'I'm so happy.' He whispered, kissing me on the temple.

I looked up at him.

'Me too.'



'We're making a habit of falling asleep on my sofa.' I grumbled. The postman had come, waking us up again.

'Good thing it's a comfy one' He mumbled into the cushion.

I leaned forward to get a better look at the time on the tv.

'It's 7am. We've had two hours sleep! This is horrible!' I moaned as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back down.

We were cuddled on the sofa. The sun came up as we carried on sleeping.

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