chapter 31

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Chapter 31

My skin was shining. The tan I'd caught that day looked darker than it had earlier. The blue of the dress made it look darker again. The dress hugged my body all the way down, only flowing out towards the bottom. I smoothed my hands down the dress, making sure it sat properly. I was also wearing my Tiffany necklace and ring Louis had bought me in the airport and the Tiffany bracelet I'd gotten for my birthday. I sprayed Coco Mademoiselle on my wrists and neck, the scent filling my nose as I put the simple diamond earrings into my ears.

Rose and Spence had been round after I'd showered earlier. I'd sent them both a text telling them about the dress and they were dying to see it. Spencer had nearly collapsed with shock and Rose was speechless. I didn't have a bag that matched it, so they'd brought over every bag they'd brought to LA with them to my room.

After an hour of umming and aahing over which one to choose we decided as a team that one of Rose's suited it best. It was also Alexander McQueen, it was a small purse made of shiny black leather with the Alexander McQueen gold skull. It gave the sophisticated blue dress a rocky edge.

Slipping my feet into my favourite black Christian Louboutin's which not only matched the colour of my purse but bumped me up to 6 foot - Louis will be shorter than me, but flat shoes would not go with this dress at all - I picked the bag up off the bed.

I applied a layer of lip gloss to my lips and made sure the small amount of makeup Spencer had put on me earlier still looked okay. I slipped my phone into the purse next to my lip gloss, credit card and room key then made my way down the hall to the lift.

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