chapter 77

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Chapter 77

'Aria, you look so beautiful!'

I looked at my dad in his suit and tie and smiled, blinking back more tears. 'Thanks dad. You look so smart!' I said ignoring the heat rushing to my cheeks.

He puffed his chest out and smoothed his jacket with pride. 'Why thank you.' He grinned, even though I could see his eyes shining with the beginning of tears.

'Are you ready?'

I took the arm he offered me and linked mine into it, before nodding and following him through the doors of the hotel. Outside the man doors was a white Aston Martin. I gasped and squealed with excitement.

'I can't believe you hired one!'

'I only wanted the best for my only daughter.' He smiled.

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek before sliding inside. My dad got in after me and waited for the other cars, containing my mum, brothers and friends before us.

I watched as the cars pulled away and placed my warm hands on the cool leather of the seats. I was so nervous. My dad, sensing this, squeezed my knee and gave me a reassuring nod. 'You'll be okay. Let's get this show on the road.' He chuckled.


*Louis POV*

I stand on a stage in front of thousands of people for a living, why was I so nervous now? I cleared my throat for what felt like the millionth time before turning around to face the boys. They were all in matching black suits and ties, except Harry, who was wearing a bow tie. They grinned reassuringly and Liam nodded, knowing exactly how nervous I was feeling, after all, he'd been here not so long ago.

'You'll be fine, dude.' He smiled.

I sucked in a breath and smoothed the front of my suit down. The piano music suddenly filled the church. I looked up from the ground to see the wide wooden doors swing open.

Aria's mum and Lucas came through first. I'd always been worried that Lucas and Caleb wouldn't like me but I was glad when we hit it off straight away. Lucas was only a couple of years older than me and Caleb only a few years younger so we all had a fair bit in common. Her mum was amazing, she was so nice and absolutely hilarious and she looked lovely in her purple dress.

Up next came the three bridesmaids they were wearing beautiful sky blue dresses, Aria's favourite colour, that were fitted to the waist before flowing out slightly all the way down to the ground. Spencer had Caleb as her partner and they walked up the aisle first then came Rose and Bo who were alone, with only their flowers to hold.

My attention moved quickly away from them as I looked over their shoulder to the door. I couldn't see her. My heart sped up. I looked up to Liam, scared that she wasn't coming but he mouthed 'wait' and nodded his head towards the door. I looked back to the door just as everyone in the church stood up in a wave.

I caught a glimpse of her dad, wearing a smart black suit, looking unbelievably proud. His arm was out and on it was the tanned arm of the woman I was about to marry. My eyes trailed from her arm to her bare shoulders. Her hair's long... I've never seen it so long. It was curled slightly and rested just by her waist. She's been trying to grow it that long for so long and now it looked stunning as it hung down next to her ivory dress.

All my attention was on Aria. The bridesmaids were at the front now so I could see all of her.

She looked perfect.

The dress was gorgeous. Stunning. Perfect! It was fitted all the way down to her waist and then came out into a thick tulle skirt all the way down to the ground. Around her small waist was a thick blue ribbon which matched the bridesmaid's dresses. Her sun kissed skin was flawless against the pristine dress. She looked unreal.

Before I knew it she was right next to me. I couldn't move my eyes from her gorgeous brown ones. Her dad pressed her hand into mine. I clasped the delicate fingers in my and definitely didn't want to let go. She smiled as her dad kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear before moving off to stand by her mother. I smiled at my soon to be wife and watched her smile her beautiful smile back. I love her so much. I wanted to stand there, staring at her forever, but the priest started talking...


*Aria's POV*

My god he looked stunning, was there ever a moment when he didnt? His hair was flicked to perfection and his blue eyes shone against his tanned face. I squeezed his strong hand in mine and took a deep breath to stop myself from crying again. I caught Lucas's eye over Louis' shoulder and he winked at me, causing me to giggle quietly.

My eyes quickly went back to Louis as he was asked to say his vows. He repeated what the priest said as he looked me straight in the eye, a lop-sided smile spread out across his beautiful face.

It got to the point I was desperately waiting for. Louis looked at me and smiled 'I do.' His voice filled the church, making me weak at the knees and my heart speed up to about 200mph. It was my turn now.

I suddenly felt very nervous. This was definitely the part I was least looking forward too. What if I said something wrong?

I repeated what the priest said, surprising myself when I didn't stumble. I took a deep breath before saying my bit. Unlike Louis, I wasn't used to standing in front of hundreds of people and there were 2oo here today. Nervously, my heart skipped a beat and I spoke quietly, yet audibly enough that everyone heard.

'I do.'

The next bit happened in a blur. The rings were blessed and swapped between us. Before I knew it the priest was finishing up and announcing 'You may now kiss the bride.'

Louis pulled me towards him by the hand, before placing his hands gently on either side of my face, the warmth of his body had already warmed up his platinum wedding ring that matched mine exactly. He didn't need to pull me towards him, I was moving! My lips met his and he kissed me passionately, but not too passionately that the priest wouldn't be grossed out. It felt like it lasted forever and it definitely felt as though fireworks went off.

The guests in the church cheered as he pulled away and I laughed as I heard my dad awkwardly clear his throat. I wasn't his little girl anymore. Louis adjusted my hand in his and led me back down the aisle. This time instead of the piano the soundtrack was the applause of our friends, family and guests.

The thick wooden doors swung open and the crisp, sunny January, air whispered against our skin as we stood on the steps of the church as a newly married couple.

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