chapter 40

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Chapter 40

'This is fantastic!' I managed to say between mouthfuls. As promised Harry had cooked our dinner and it was beautiful, as usual.

'You're absolutely right, Aria! You've done good Styles.' Louis agreed seconds before loading his mouth with his final forkful.

'Thanks guys.' He'd made us lasagne from scratch, it tasted like something an Italian would make. Louis and I were already on our second portions.

'What time are you leaving tomorrow?' Louis asked as he put his knife and fork onto his plate.

'Early-ish, probably about 10am. You guys?' Harry did the same and took a sip of the beer in front of him.

'Same, I want to get there quite early.'

'How long you going for?'

'Three days, then straight down to Aria's parents' for another 3 days. So we'll be back the same time as you.'

They carried on chatting about travelling and normal boy things while I cleared away the plates.

'Aria?' Harry called.

'Yeah?' I was in my own little world, thinking about meeting Louis' family, so I didn't hear them ask me a question.

'What film do you want to watch tonight?' Louis asked.

'Oh, um.. You have hundreds, I don't know, you choose.' I flicked the dishwasher door shut and sat back down at the table.

'Fine' Louis laughed. 'What about something funny?'

Harry thought for a moment. 'The hangover?'

'Yes!' Louis grinned as he jumped up and found the DVD.

Harry and I trailed after him.

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