chapter 38

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Chapter 38

I glanced in the mirror one last time. My white t-shirt contrasted with the deep brown colour my skin had turned after three weeks in the sun. Satisfied with how I looked I took a last glance at the room I'd lived in for the last few weeks, picked up my bag and joined Louis by the door.

'You ready?' he asked. He was wearing dark blue shorts and a printed t-shirt. His suitcase was propped up next to him. He was also quite tanned; he was out in the sun every chance he got, which wasn't often as they were working so hard.

'Yeah, let's go.' We filed out the door and into the corridor where we were met by Harry who had just left his room next door to ours.

'I hate leaving.' Harry sighed. As we got into the lift the doors swept shut, hiding the familiar hall from sight. We weren't going to see it again. The three weeks had gone so quickly. We mumbled in agreement as the lift started sinking.

'I'm so tired.' Louis yawned. His hair was slightly tousled as he'd had a nap before we'd left.

I reached up to flatten a bit that was sticking out at the same time as Harry. Our hands collided on Louis' head. We all looked at each other and laughed. Harry was like another girlfriend for Louis. They get on so well, always laughing and joking. They have no secrets and do everything together. I'd quickly had to accept that this relationship was between three people and I was fine with it. Harry is hard not to accept.

We had to push through the people waiting outside the hotel. They'd found out where the boys were staying by the end of the first week and had been waiting outside 24/7 ever since. The boys signed a few autographs and had a few photos but they couldn't spend too long with them.

We all sighed a sigh of relief once we were in the minibus. We'd met up with the others on the way out and had to push through together.

'I don't want to leave, yet I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.' Zayn mumbled as he zipped up his hoodie and settled down into his seat. He rested his head against my shoulder and instantly fell asleep.

I laughed and looked down at Zayn, then whispered to the rest of the group, 'well, Zayn's out.' Zayns head was leaning on my shoulder so I leaned my head against his and grasped Louis' hand. I had to get comfortable. It was a long drive to the airport.

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