♧ A Jealous Lucas ♧

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Warning: mention of nudes, don't worry there's nothing explicit simply just the word implying something 😂 I have no idea how else to explain this chapter.

"Xiaojun has been receiving nudes!!" Chaehyun screamed before ducking his head down, whilst Xiaojun looked around frantically. Chaehyun laughed evilly to himself when he saw that Kun was now speed walking towards the two.

Chaehyun tagged along to a WayV dance practise to help the boys with their moves and to give them tips, but of course, Chaehyun has never been well behaved. Ten was sat in the corner screaming throwing a thumbs up at Chaehyun who was pretending like he hadn't done anything wrong whilst Xiaojun was frantically screaming in Chinese.

Chaehyun knew quite a bit of Chinese so it was very easy for him to understand what the boy was saying as he and Kun had a mini argument.

"It's Chaehyun! You can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth! I do not have nudes on my phone-"

"Why are you getting so defensive if you have nothing to hide?" Smirked Chaehyun causing Xiaojun to turn and glare at him. "Okay fine. I lied."

Xiaojun seemed to relax as well as Kun, who was about to walk away when Chaehyun decided that he wasn't finished pissing off his friends.

"Xiaojun was the one sending the nudes, not receiving them," He spoke quickly earning a slap to the back of the head from Xiaojun who gladly handed his phone over to Kun, however, the leader quickly rejected it causing Chaehyun to let out a high pitched laugh. "HA!"

Kun sauntered away, shaking his head with a hint of a smile. The sub units had been busy with their own stuff and the boys had rarely seen any of the 127 and Dreamies members and they missed Chaehyun in specific. Kun has missed seeing him piss people off especially since the shit that happened to him, so it was nice to see him back to his old self.

Lucas made his way over to the two boys who were in the middle of a play fight, before they stopped abruptly, both turning to face him. "Nudes ey?"

Xiaojun groaned, "I don't have nudes on my phone! The only person in this room who most likely has nudes on their phone is Lucas and they are probably yours."

Chaehyun smirked and turned to Lucas. "He's asked, but I don't like that. If he wants to see it, he knows where I live," joked Chaehyun with a wink causing Xiaojun to push him.

Pushing past the topic of nudes, the boys began discussing the latest scandals in Kpop before YangYang made his way over and plopped into Chaehyun's lap. Immediately Lucas let out a whine and jumped up, grabbing Chaehyun's arm as he tried to steady Yangyang in place.

"Lucas I know you're jealous but he'll fall off if I don't hold him." Chaehyun chuckled and pulled his arm away gently before wrapping it around Yangyang, who looked back at Lucas with a smirk.

Lucas pouted as his best friend paid him no attention with the youngest WayV member in his lap. It took Chaehyun three seconds to notice that there was something off with Lucas, so without even looking at him, he left one arm around Yangyang and used his free one to grab onto Lucas wrapping his arm around his neck.

Lucas smiled and bounced in his place like a five year old after regaining the attention of his best friend, even if it was just his touch. Yangyang giggled and reached out to pat Lucas on the head.

"Awww did you get jealous?"

Lucas rolled his eyes. "No."

Chaehyun turned his head and raised an eyebrow. "Oh hush up Pinocchio."

Lucas opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out and instead he huffed. Jealous Lucas wasn't a side that Chaehyun saw often as he literally paid most attention to him, but when that side came out everyone was amused by it.

Yangyang soon removed himself from Chaehyun and Lucas wasted no time jumping into the spot that was previously owned by the younger member. Chaehyun jumped as the weight plopped down on him with no warning.

"Let's hope Yeri doesn't see this," joked Sicheng.

Chaehyun rolled his eyes. "I'm not dating Yeri and besides, everyone knows Lucas comes first before girls. He's my best friend, can't be replaced by anyone."

"Oh yeah? You weren't saying that when Yangyang was in your lap but whatever, i don't mind haha—me? Mind? No hahah I'm not petty." Lucas scratched his head and rolled his head to the side causing Chaehyun to scoff.

"He's Yangyang, How could anyone say no to him? Look at his little precious face? That's like kicking a baby off of your lap."

"WELL YOU'D STILL DO THAT BECAUSE YOU'RE CHAEHYUN!" The older boy stared at his best friend wide eyed with his lips curling up into a smile.

"Aww do you need a nap?" Teased the older boy.

Lucas groaned, "You make it really hard to love you when all you do is tease me when I'm in the middle of a meltdown."

"Lucas honey, you love me no matter what I do."

And that was no lie. Chaehyun could slap him with a brick and Lucas would still love him, because they're best friends and have so much love for each other no matter what.

I have no idea what this was, it's so badly written and just random but you guys should be used to that by now 😂 I wanted to add more of the WayV members since they haven't been in this book much.

I hope you guys enjoyed...I would very much not be surprised if you didn't with the way this was written haha.

Thank you for the support.

As you have probably noticed, this was not proofread.

You are appreciated 💞

- Blue x

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