[20]▫️PERFECT DATE▫️newt

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Prompt; "Don't ever forget this moment."



Having a secret 'date night' with Newt...

Having a secret 'date night' with Newt

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"It's so quiet." You are lying on the grass next to Newt, watching the stars.

"I think they all had too much of Gally's," He makes quote marks in the air. "Special recipe."

"Did you have any?"

Newt shakes his head. "Not tonight."

You frown. "Why not?"

Newt turns to face you. "We've had this date night planned for almost a week. I didn't want to be outta my damn mind for it."

"You're sweet." You compliment him before slipping a giggle.

Newt quirks a brow. "What's funny?"

"It's just that word, "date"... it sounds odd, you know, considering our.. situation."

You sit up, facing the doors of the Maze. Newt follows. He lays his legs out in front of him and shuffles closer to you. He pulls you into his side and kisses the top of your head. "Well.. when we get out, we'll go on a real date. I'll bring you flowers and everything."

You peck his cheek. "Sounds lovely. For now, though, this is perfect."

Newt turns to look down at you. He takes your hand, lacing his fingers through yours. "Then promise me something?"

You nod, smiling. "Anything."

"Don't ever forget this moment."

You look up, then lift your chin, asking for a kiss. It's short and sweet, and twinkly sparks fly around behind your closed eyes. "I promise."


Final edit: 28.10.20

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