[15]▫️I AM WCKD▫️the gladers▫️[part 2]

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After helping the Gladers escape and making it to the Right Arm, you are told some shocking news...

After helping the Gladers escape and making it to the Right Arm, you are told some shocking news

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R/N: Real Name (the name you would have had before WCKD changed it for you)
- This is important for this part of the imagine. -


It had only been an hour or two at the Right Arm. Brenda was resting in the tent, Jorge watching over her. Teresa was nowhere to be seen.

You were sitting with the boys atop a huge rock. Thomas, Minho, Newt, Frypan, and Aris. They had been thanking you and asking questions about WiCKeD, none of which you had many answers to. That's when Mary climbed up and joined you.

You all stood when she appeared, taking in the serious look on her face. Mary's gaze landed on you after a few seconds of silence. "We need to keep you safe."

The simple statement caused the boys to all turn to you at the same time. They all wore frowns.

You did the same, furrowing your brows and replying with one word. "What?"

Mary looked between you all again. This time her eyes fell on Thomas before returning to you. "Thomas, whatever happens, you have to protect her. WiCKeD want all of you, but they'll be desperate to retrieve her first."

Thomas takes one step forward. "What are you talking about?"

Mary explains further. "This might be a surprise to you, and I apologise." She looks back to you once more. She doesn't say your name though, she hasn't since she started talking to you all. You're about to ask why when she continues. "You worked for WiCKeD, as you know, and as did I.. but you didn't do it on purpose. I watched them brainwash you as a child. They practically forced you to think they were good and to work for them. If I had known what exactly they were doing at the time, I-"

You stumble then. Your head gets dizzy, and you fall. Thomas and Newt quickly catch you. They guide you to sit down. You do so, and Mary follows, kneeling before you. "I- they- so.. is Y/N, not my real name, that's why you won't say it?"

"Precisely. Your real name is R/N. They took that from you, along with your memories.. just like they did with your friends."

You frown again. "But.. I have my memories."

"False ones." She places a hand on your knee. You look up at her. "How did you escape them anyway?"

"I got into the Box as it went down. It was tricky. Apparently, others have tried it before and not.. you know.. got away."

"Did you know what WiCKeD was doing when you decided to do that?"

You look around at the boys. "Not really. I- I only went down to help them because I couldn't watch any more. The pain they were going through. Th- the deaths that they had to witness.."

A tear slips from your eye. Mary smiles weakly. "I'm glad you got out of there... But you have to be careful. More careful than you've been before. If they find you, they'll brainwash you again, or- or-"

"Kill me."

Thomas kneels down beside you. The rest of the boys follow. "We- I won't let that happen."


Final edit: 28.10.20

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