A Lie Going into A Truth

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Onika's POV
Same day

They came inside and Rih sat where You could watch TV while Aubrey sat on the other couch. I looked at Lotus and Bey as they hugged each other with Lotus giggling some, "I missed you!" Lotus said "I missed you too baby, were you good for mommy?" She asked looking at her then me and Lotus shook her head no "Why not?" She asked "I missed you" Lotus spoke putting her head back in Bey's neck being covered by her hair.

"Mama, I wanna take a nap" she said, I thought she was talking to me until she looked up at Bey "Ask your mommy" she said looking from her to me with a look "Can I take a nap mommy?" Lotus asked and I struggled to speak out of somewhat hurt "U-Uhh y-yea, I can lay you down" I spoke but she shook her head no "I want mama to" she said looking at Bey "Oh" was all I could pull out. "I'll lay her down then come back down" Bey spoke her eyes back hazel and gold I nodded wanting to get away from her but she softly grabbed my wrist 'Were gonna talk about this' she sent taking me back to when we were younger I nodded and went into the living room while they went upstairs.

I sat on the couch Rih was on and she looked away from the tv to me but I ignored her going to Aubrey "I'm sorry I hadn't called in a while" "Yea, I was just trying to check on you" "I'm fine it's just I got caught up in a lot." "Oh I get it, so who are your friends?" He asked looking at Rih "Oh this is Rihanna, she's like a sister to me Rih, Aubrey Aubrey, Rih" I spoke and they did simple greetings "And the one upstairs?" "Tha-"I'm Beyoncé, I just came back from the military" she said now with a shirt on but I could still see her curves and built body under the thin white tee. I slyly licked my lips then looked up at her as she reached out to shake his hand which he accepted she turned her head and looked at me with gold eyes then pulled back "Well I'm going to go up to my room, nice meeting you" she spoke then left.

"So how long has she been back?" "Umm not long, I picked her up a few days ago." lying my ass off "Well I was trying to see if I could take you out again sometime soon?" I just looked at him with a secretly shocked face, I didn't really think about going back out with him "Uhh yea, yea maybe next week?" I asked and he nodded "I'm good with that, I'll text you?" He said getting up but remembering to give me the flowers he had. I nodded smiling and blushing some walking him to the door he kissed me then smile "Bye Onika" "Bye Aubrey" he waved as he walked to his car. "Ooo you in some deep shit" Rih said making me realize she was still here "Shut up" I said "Don't be mad cause I'm speaking the truth. You got y'all first love and don't doubt it cause you know it's true- here and then you got ya new boy with the beard. You stuck sis" she said looking over the back of the couch at me, I rolled my eyes then sat down next to her and she put her legs in my lap.

"What are you watching?" "Love and supernatural" she said making a joke about my situation so pushed her legs off making her almost fall off laughing some. Then I got up going up to Lotus's room to see if she was sleep, I made it up there and opened the door seeing she was smiling in her sleep "Are you okay?" I heard Bey ask from behind me I turned around quickly and nodded before trying to walk away from her but she grabbed my arm "Whats wrong?" She asked "Nothing" "Stop lying to me Onika I know the truth I just want you to say it" She said turning me around all the way "What did I do to her?" I spoke sadly "What did I do to make her hate me?" I added and she hugged me "Nothing Nika, you did nothing wrong... she just knows more than you can see." She said trying to explain pulling me into her hugging me and I laid my head comfortably on her chest.

"She's growing, but not like a normal child. She knows what's gonna happen and she might think you're moving in the wrong direction but you haven't done anything wrong we all need to adjust to all of this." She said before kissing my hair. I nodded and pulled back realizing I was hugging her, I awkwardly coughed then went to my room while she went downstairs. I changed into a bra since I saw my nipples, when I went back downstairs I saw Bey and Rih hugging and laughing I still hadnt taken in her being here. I don't know if I'm supposed to tell her mom and sister or if I should wait for her to. "Why did you say you came back from the army?" I spoke interrupting them "Because you needed something to say and that's where I'm headed" she said making me stop in the middle of stepping down "Repeat that?" "I'm going to the army, military" she said not looking at me but back at the TV.

"No" I said "Why are you saying no? It has nothing to do with you" "It has everything to do with me! I care about you and I had your child and I just got you back i know not gonna just let you leave me again." I spoke speaking the obvious "You don't have to do shit, and you got ya dude just as long as he don't put his hands on you or disrespect either one of you meaning you and Lotus cause if he do then I'm killing him and eating him like I do with my deer." She spoke not looking at me going back to the tv. Why would you do this?....

I'm tired I need to finish this other chap then I'm done.

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