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Beyonce's POV

Home(same day)

I just got out of the shower and but on a sports bra and panties with some basketball shorts under it. I open the bathroom door and she was standing there scared and awkward, I moved so she could walk in which she did and I sat on the closed toilet so she could bandage me up. Then she spoke after a while "I'm so-" "Don't, I don't want to hear it." I said "Why? Why won't you let me apologize?" "Because I already know that you won't mean it." "How would you know?" she asked "Everyone already told what you were really trying to do, I should have left you alone." I said with a bitter laugh. "I'm not comprehending." she said stopping what she was doing "You don't have to just as long as you know I ain't gone bother you anymore." I said trying to control my anger. "You never bothered me in the first place?" "Whateva can you just help me please." I said giving her a glance then looking at the wall. "I still want to know what you're talking about honey bee." she said using the name I put in her phone and going make to my wounds.

"Stop playing stupid man." I said getting angrier "I'm NOT I REALLY don't know what you're talking about." "YO LIL FRIEND TOLD ME YOU WAS JUST USING ME TO HELP YO BITCH ASS BOYFRIEND. YOU WAS SETTING ME UP FOR ALL THAT SHIT. THEN HAD THE NERVE TO ACT LIKE YOU GAVE A SHIT." I yelled standing up making her back up and look at me confused "I-I didn't I promise I didn't, and I don't even know what friend you're talk-" "SO YOU DON'T KNOW THAT LAUREN BITCH? HUH AND THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T I SAW THE FUCKING MESSAGES AND SHIT. YOU USED ME TO HELP THAT FROG LOOKING MOTHAFUCKA JUST SO Y'ALL COULD STAY TOGETHER AND SO HE WOULDN'T PUT HIS HANDS ON YOU." I yelled again "I didn't do any of that, I wouldn't do that to you intentionally or unintentionally. I never set you up, I would do that to anyone I cared about." she said trying to convince me.

"I really don't believe you, her, Meek, shit basically the whole school told me you was using me. I was the only dumbass who didn't know. You a real cold hearted person for that, but I can't be mad at you shit I'm really mad at myself for not recognizing it in the beginning I mean why would you really fuck with a freak like me huh?" I said looking her in the eye and sitting back where I was. She was sad and hurt by everything I told her she looked like she was mad some but more so hurt "I never did that to you, I went looking for you after you left but you never showed. I-I went back to MEEK because I was ashamed in what I was doing, I will admit I did use you for my own wants and needs but I promise you I didn't use you for Meek or anyone and or anything else. I am selfish I will admit that as well, I wanted everything I had to myself when I saw you walking with that girl one day I almost lost it but I came to th fact that you're not mine unfortunately and that I chose the wrong person. I am deeply sorry for using you I know I was wrong but I couldn't help it." she said now looking at me with some tears running down her face.

"I don't know what you want me to say." I said blankly "I want you to speak your mind but I also want you to try an believe me and maybe even give me a second cha-" "I ca-" "Pleas just try I know it's not going to happen instantly and I'm okay with that I'm willing to wait but please just give me another chance. I've never been with a girl before and I didn't plan on it until you came in, I never even had to beg or wait for anyone but I will for you just please give me a chance to change your mind and prove to you I'm not who you think I am." She pled standing in front of me. I just looked at her I don't want to because I've already been hurt by her and I don't want to go through it again, but it's something about her I just can't stay away even if I tried. The days I didn't see her I would go by her house at night or still watch her from a distance I mean yea it's my job but still she changed the way I viewed her.

"I can't promise you anything and you can't promise anything either." I said "Why?" "Because promises will always be meant to be broken." I said getting up again to walk out "I-I'm not done." she said I towered over her as she looked done not wanting to look at me out of embarrassment I stood for a minute then sat back down. She was working on my when she spoke again "Why won't you tell me who did this to you?" she asked "Because you date him..." I said harshly making her stop and look at me "Meek? No he wouldn't do this he's he's a good person." she said not wanting to believe me "I guess we both been played huh?" she just looked and went back to work "How long has this been happening?" she asked "A lot more since we started actually talking to each other, before you noticed me it was every couple of months." "I;m not understanding any of this. What are you anyways?" "I'm a hybrid of a wolf and vampire and I have been watching you since we were kids." I said "You've been stalking me?!" "It's not by choice trust me, it's because of a prophecy. That's the reason everyone hates me because hybrids are considered freaks and Mother Nature's mess ups and God's unworthy creations."

She got up finishing the stitches and covering up some spots "So are you the only one or?" "My mother and sister are wolves, Meek is a pure blood wolf of some shit and I can't be anywhere near him because if I am I will get beheaded that's why I try not to fight him." "Was he one of the wolves from earlier?" she asked "Yes, that's why I couldn't really do anything." "Anyone else I know?" "Almost everyone if we're being honest." I said going to my room with her in tow to get me a shirt "Rih and Lo too?" "Yea Rihanna is a wolf and Lauren is a witch." I said putting the shirt over my head. "Ms.J?" "She is a vampire." "Mr.Washington" "He's an Alpha wolf, he led my mother's pack and he's basically my father figure." I turned around and looked at her she had a shocked face "Everything you think you know you don't, there is more than just the human world."

We made it back downstairs and I saw a cake on the table that has happy birthday written in icing on it "Who's birthday is it?" she asked I stayed silent "It's your's isn't it?" I just keep getting the stuff out that I wanted to eat ignoring her. "Why aren't you happy about your birthday?... How old are you now?" "It doesn't matter" I spoke "It does, this is a very special day, so why aren't you happy?" she asked "I don't want to talk about it, so please stop asking." I said in a calm tone even though I wasn't on the inside. "I-, okay do you need help cooking?" she asked trying to keep me talking "Are you going to stop asking questions if I say yes?" I said somewhat sarcastic "I won't stop asking questions because I want to hear you talk, since this may be the only time I hear your voice." she said walking on the side of me.

"Can you get the stuff for me to season this please?" I asked not looking up she did after a few seconds "Were you born a hybrid?" "No... My dad was a vampire who didn't know how to take 'no' for a answer." I said lowly "Oh, I didn't-" "I wasn't expecting you to." I said finishing the chicken and letting it sit in the fridge, I washed my hands and went to the living room sitting on the couch "Can you tell me how you got your tattoos now?" "I was born with some and the other's came along as I got older." "I like them, they fit you." she said. The front door opened and in walked my mother and sister "I thought she left." My mom said making me laugh on the inside "Ma'am I never meat to put your dau-" "Nika stop, Ma it's okay. I did it to myself she doesn't even know about half of this stuff." "What?" Nicki said turning to me "You don't know about anything that's going on around you tat's why I have been watching you." I said

"Well..." Solange made a clicking noise with her mouth "Since ain't nobody reached for this cake I will, Nic you want some?" she asked Nicki she turned and looked at me for permission I just shrugged and kept watching TV "I don't wanna eat it without your sister getting the first slice."she spoke "Please at least eat a slice?" she whispered looking at me with a semi sad face. I got up and cut me a slice then ate some of it "Thank you, mama your cooking is always good." I said smiling at my mom hugging her.

"You're welcome baby, I just wanted to do something for your birthday for once since you never do anything to celebrate." She spoke 'Does she know about you getting jumped' 'She really doesn't but I'm still standing guard' 'Okay'. "Wen can I know your name?" Nic asked me 'You still ain't told ha yo name?" Solo said shocked and laughing some "What is it?" Nicki asked Solo "Just tell her fam." Solo said laughing still "Beyonce" I spoke making her look at me surprised "I like it, it's unique." she said "I'm going to my room ma, and I put the chicken in the fridge." I said going upstairs with Nicki behind me.

We were sitting on my bed eating the cake "Can I stay the night?" she asked I nodded yes since I had food in my mouth, I looked back up and she was looking at me I did the same to her but with a slightly confused face until her hand touched my face lightly rubbing some of the icing off the corner of my mouth, "You are real sight to see." she spoke softly looking at me with a light smile "I hope we can really start over. Happy birthday Beyonce."


Welp that happened and something else might happen I haven't decided yet. The craziness has completely begun yet but I'm saying sorry ahead of time. How what everyone's day? Mines was pretty cool. Oh and I didn't fix my spelling so sorry for that too.


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