A Broken Love Story

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Onika's POV
Same day

"What do you mean baby? You know what a Honey Bee is." I tried to play off so I wouldn't have to explain "No Mommy the person you used to know her and she made you happy." Lotus spoke making me lower my head and think about Bey, "Why are you asking baby?" "Because I saw you and her." "How?" "I don't know" I sniffled and her words trying not to cry "She was a friend of mine ladybug." "You miss her a lot, but your mad at her." Rih looked at me then lowered her head.

I closed my eyes trying to hold back my emotions "No I'm not Lo" "Yes you are, your mad at her because of what she did. What did she do mommy?" Lotus said and tears slowly. The wolf came and rested its head next to my thigh trying to get to my hand "She did something that would hurt anyone that cared about you so bad that they'd wish you weren't the person you were or that they wish it was them instead." I spoke and touched the nose of the wolf. "Ummm Lotus why don't we go make some snacks?" Dave said gettin her and Toni.

"You can't stay mad about that Nic" "I can and I will, how come she never left if she knew what was going to happen?! She's always playing hero when she shouldn't!" I yelled with tear running down my face, the wolf whimpered and got in my lap some with its paws on my thighs and its head on top looking at me I looked at it and just stared at its eyes. Just like her eyes, I rubbed its head and it closed its eyes then looked at me. "I miss my baby hybrid" I whispered the wolf got more into my hand and licked it some, "Bey can't come back Nic, no one can bring her back. But you can't stay angry at her about this, she did it for you and us if she hadn't imagine how we would be right now." Rih spoke.

Lotus came back and sat in my lap "Sorry mommy" "it's okay baby, you actually remind me of Honey Bee. You do the same things she used to do." I rubbed her head and then kissed her hair. We stayed a while with Lotus playing with Toni and me talking to Rih and Dave about Tina coming.


We got back home and I put the wolf outside and Lotus was in the living room playing with her toys and watching TV. I got my phone and started dialing a number "Hey Mr.Washington how are you?" I said when he answered "I'm okay Nicki, how are you and your babygirl?" "Were fine I umm actually called to ask for some help or advice." "Well what's wrong?" "The other day a wolf came to my house and started something in Lotus to where her eyes start to turn purple and she knows about the future and past some." I spoke and he went silent.

"How old is she she's three going on four, Why?" "I'm on my way, don't let that wolf leave." He hung up and I turned around seeing Lotus looking at me "Who was that mommy?" "It's a family member you haven't met yet, you meet him today." I said and she nodded going back to her toys while I checked on the wolf outside to see it was gone. "Nononono!" "Wolfie?!" I spoke trying to look for her. I walked all around the yard. "Wolfie please!"

I heard rustling in the woods behind the fence she broke. Then I saw her eyes "Hey baby, come ere" I said and it waged its tail and came to me "Let's go inside huh?" I spoke rubbing its head. We walked in and Lo immediately ran to it hugging it then riding "Hey she needs to be sprayed and wiped first!" I tried to stop them but Lo had made the wolf run upstairs. I just sighed and shook my head. After while the doorbell rung, I got up and opened seeing Denzel.

"Hey Nicki." "Hey Mr.Denzel" "I've told you to stop calling me that" "I'm sorry it's just habit and she's upstairs I can call her down with the wolf." "Please do,can I take a seat?" "Of course you can do what you want." I went up stairs and saw Lo and the wolf playing dress up. "Lotus can you and Wolfie come downstairs with me to meet someone?" She turned and looked at me just like he wolf who had on one of her dresses. "Sure mommy" we went downstairs and she saw Denzel sitting on the couch "hi mister man" "Hi little lady, I'm Denzel what's your name?" He smiled "I'm Lotus Jae Knowles." "That's a pretty name for a pretty girl, what's your little friends name?" Denzel said looking at the wolf.

"I call her Wolfie, she doesn't know her name" Lotus said smiling and hugging the wolf. "Can I play with Wolfie?" "If she lets you" Denzel looked at the wolf and it just stared at him in a defensive stance he reached out and it ducked some growling trying to move away but couldn't because he already had its other hand on it. The wolf started whining and whimpering looking him in the eye, "Somethings wrong with her, her head is hurting." Lotus said looking at it sadly. Denzel grabbed it and pulled it into him as it still whined and he examined it "She can't change it's something wrong, this isn't a normal wolf. It's bigger than Bey was but has eyes like a hybrid, I don't know what it is exactly." "She's special!" Lotus said rubbing its head calming it.

"Lotus remember when you asked me who is Honey Bee, this is her uncle." I said and Lo turned back to him and smiled then her eyes turned their normal purple "You miss her and you wish you could have taught her more than what you did." She voice and he nodded "I made many mistakes with her, and I have many regrets because of it." "She forgives you." "She does?" Denzel said with a somewhat amused face, Lotus nodded "She does, she made her own mistakes as well she forgave you before she died." I just scrunched up my face How would she know?

"Can I have some ice cream mommy?" She spoke turning and looking at me with her natural brown eyes. "Yes baby, Denzel do you want some?" I asked and he shook his head "No I'm okay I think it's time for me to go the pack should be back." I nodded "How come they didn't like her?" Lo asked going back to him "What do you mean?" "The pack didn't like Honey Bee, Why?" She asked "I don't know, I didn't even know." Denzel said with wide eyes "I'll ask" and Lo nodded. I walked him out and hugged him "I'll call you later" he said and looked behind me seeing the wolf looking at us. I nodded and walked back in touching its head "Whats so special about you"

Bloop this is later than planned but I was busy and I need to better at life I'm failing two classes because I honestly can't focus in one and the other I just feel like everything is repetitive. I want to take a nap but I can't, I still happy though ya know it's the little things.

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