Touch of The Devil

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Onika's POV

August 27(8:34am)


I'm sitting with Rih and Lo talking when Meek walked up "So you just gon ignore my calls and shit now?" he said. After what happened yesterday I didn't talk to him or anyone of that matter, he blew up my phone so I just turned it all the way off. I couldn't get her out of my head, that smirk HER FUCKING LIPS. Those lips and her caramel eyes, they're so mesmerizing. "Onika I'm talking to you." Meek said taking me out of my imagination and looking me in the eye. "Meek just leave me alone for a minute please." I said getting up to go to class since the bell was about to ring "Don't fucking walk away from me girl." he said as I continued to walk.

Midway up the stairs I was roughly grabbed and thrown on the wall "You been mad aggy these last couple of days. If I gotta put ya ass in check I fucking will now fix yo shit before I fuck you up." he said all in my face with the angry eyes. He looked like this before when we were going through in our relationship but he promised, he promised he wouldn't hurt me anymore and he wouldn't put his hands on me. "You promise Meek." I said quietly "Fuck a promise just do what I say." and with that he walked off to class I stood there for a second trying to regain my strength to go to class and see him all day. I turned my head and saw her looking at me with the same blank face. "What!" I said defensively, I don't like people seeing me looking weak it doesn't fit me.

She still looked at me "The fuck? Do you have a problem or something like what do you want?!" I yelled walking past her but she put me up against the wall and put us back in the same position as yesterday. She ran her thumb back and forth against me cheek and breathed in deeply with her eyes closed before opening them. "Move." I said quietly she didn't so I repeated it louder "Move." and tried to move from her trap but she didn't budge, she actually got closer and put her leg between mine. I'm one of those girl that don't wear underwear with jeans and leggings only skirts and dresses so when she did that I let out a light moan, making her move her eyes from my cleavage to my face. She grabbed it and putting it closer to her's, I brought my hand to touch her face but she wouldn't let me.

"Why can't I touch you?" I asked below a whisper she just blinked and put her lips lightly on mine like before Why is she always teasing me? My eyelids lowered and my breathes became quicker.. I tried to connect our lips but she moved back some I scrunched my eyebrows "Why did you move?" I asked her hand that was caressing my cheek moved to my collarbone and rubbed bare cleavage some she watched that for a few seconds then looked at me and licked her lips making my heart race.

She placed kisses on my chest and sucked a little on my neck nibbling every so often then moving from my neck to my jawline and sucking on the bottom of my ear some. I moaned the whole time, I haven't been touched like this in so long, I know I'm not supposed to do this but it feels right. It fells like this is how it was intended to be and all I could do was secure the fucking wall. I want to touch her so bad. Then she stopped and looked me in the eye with a smirk like always and leant into the side of my face and licked the lobe of my ear and backed away smiling.

The bell just rung when she did so and all the other students were head to first period while I just watched her quickly disappear into the crowded hall. How the fuck she just vanish like that? I walked to class slowly with a smile like the Kool-aid man on my face "Nic" I heard from behind me it was the girls "Yea?" I asked "Hey, we saw Rihmeek follow you after you left everything okay?" Rih said. She knows what he's put me through and how he gets when he's mad "Uhh yea we talked some but that's it." I said brushing it off but she knew it wasn't the truth. "Come on y'all before Mr.Washington counts us late." Lo said she's been acting weird these last couple of days. Whenever I try to talk to 'her' Lo comes around and either pulls me away or tries to send slick comments about her as we talk.

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