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Beyonce's POV

August 19 (1:25 am)

Onika's house

I woke up and went to where Onika took my clothes and got them out the dryer. I heard someone coming downstairs and walk up behind me I turned to see a half sleep Onika. "What are you doing?" she said sleepily rubbing her eye I didn't respond I just started walking to the bathroom when she grabbed my arm making me stop at once "Why won't you talk to me?" she asked I just stared at her "Can you at least stay, I don't want you to get hurt and I don't think my mom would stop looking for you." I thought about it for a second then went back to the couch and sat down. "Do you not like me or something?" she said I just gave her an amused look "I don't know how to take that" I heard her mom coming downstairs "What are you two doing up at this time?" she asked

'I was about to leave when she came down' I sent to her mother "Nothing I was just getting something to drink." Onika said to her mom "Mhmm, are you okay down here honey?" she asked me I nodded and she looked at Nika "Why don't you get her something to drink as well." 'I'm Carol but you can call me Mama Carol whenever you start talking' she sent looking at me 'Yes ma'am' I replied with a smile. "Here you go." Nika said giving me some warm tea and sitting down next to me "I'm going to go back to bed" Mama Carol said 'You're going to have to talk to her sooner or later' she thought as she walked upstairs. "Do you want to watch TV?" she asked I shrugged my shoulders "Stop doing that! That's not a answer!" she said semi-yelling I looked at her with raised eyebrows with my hands up "Do you want to watch TV yes or no?" she said I nodded yes so she can calm down.

She put on something on Adult Swim and I just sat there zoning out until I felt her lay her head on my shoulder I looked at her and she was dosing off so I took her tea out of her hands and put it on the coffee table then picked her up taking her to her room. I laid her in bed and went back downstairs laying on the couch sleeping as well.


(6:30 am)

I woke up to Onika standing over me tapping me I looked at her questioningly "There's an extra toothbrush and things in the bathroom for you." She said quickly before speed walking away I listened to her thoughts 'Why is she so intimidating.' I smiled to myself while getting up going to the bathroom. I was brushing my teeth while looking in the mirror at myself seeing I was slowly healing but not as quickly as normal. I got dressed while I was in here since I brought my clothes with me. Walking back out Mama Carol spoke "Oh no honey I'm driving by your house so you can get some other clothes for school after we eat." she smiled. She knew I couldn't protect I just squinted my eyes at her with a face and she just smiled and winked at me 'Gotcha' she thought, I shook my head and sat at the table with Onika and ate the food her mother placed in front of me. I knew she got something special for me because I smelled it.

We all finished eating and went to her mother's car I put in Chris and Dave's address and changed clothes there. I got back in the car and road with them all the way to school unfortunately. When she was pulling up I read her thoughts since she keep looking at me through the rear view mirror 'Make sure he doesn't hurt her, I Know he did this to you. You don't deserve that.' 'Yes ma'am, I'll make sure she stays safe.' 'I know you will I just hope she figure's out who she supposed to be with before it's too late.' "Okay I'll see you later Nika, please stay safe honey." her mom said looking at both of us we got out and I headed to first period because I knew if I stayed too long she was going to try and talk about last night.

"Where the hell were you?" Denz said hugging me tightly making me yelp out. He stopped hugging me and lifted my shirt seeing the bandages "What happened?" he asked "Nothing." I said sitting in my spot. I don't want to tell him I already know he's going to lose it. "That ain't nothing, I bet there's more. Did you even tell your mom your here right now? Does she even know what happened?" he continued to question yelling 'NO AND IT DOESN'T MATTER I'M HERE SO JUST LEAVE IT ALONE!" I yelled. I can't tell them anything they would look at me as a disappointment since I'm already a screw up and a mistake basically. He looked at me understanding I didn't want to talk about it.

Everyone was in class learning while I zoned out I saw someone move to the seat next to me Why can't you people just leave me alone? It was Onika once again, she leaned into my area and whispering "Are you okay?" I gave her a 'you really gon ask that stupid ass question' face she just put her head down "My bad, I really didn't think about that?" she said I put my head down and slept through class.


I've been sleeping through most of my classes today, it's lunch and the boys were already sitting I got me two slices of pizza and a thing of fries. When my body needs to heal and it can't properly I shutdown some and I can only sleep and eat because it helps some. I was walking back to the brothers when Nicki and her friends walked up my face was healed up almost completely but the Neck down was a whole other story. "We were thinking of doing "Get You"by Daniel Caesar if that's okay with you?" she said looking at my busted lip I 'It's sad how something so beautiful could be so damaged' she thought I was taken back some What the fuck, I recuperated and nodded my head, "Okay we'll figure out parts in class." I nodded again and walked away. The boys and I were talking like it was a normal day, they knew I didn't want to talk about last night.

"You coming over again?" Chris asked "Nah I gotta go home and see my moms." I said throwing away my trash since the bell rung. I went to Ms.J's room in the same spot as everyday "You know I'm going to make sure you sing right?" she said looking up from what she wad doing on her computer. I shrugged not wanting to talk or be here I just wanted my bed and a lot of food. Everyone was in class discussing who was doing what "Can you be Daniel?" Nicki asked I shook my head no but Ms.Jackson just had to come intervene. "Yes she can and she will." she said looking at me 'I can't' I sent her 'You will' she replied walking away I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair "That's a yes then." Onika said.

Meek was staring hole in my head the whole day. I don't care though I'm gonna get my revenge one day. It was after school and I was outside in the woods following her. She went straight home today thankfully but that meant facing my mother. I walked back home tired and when I opened the door she ran to me and hugged me then smacked me in the head.

"The fuck were you?And don't say with friends because we both know you ain't got none." She spoke "I just want to eat and go to sleep please." I said looking her in the eye she understood what I meant she hugged me again and kissed my forehead "I'll wake up for dinner." she said letting me go. I got to my room and took out my contact that was irritating th e fuck out of my eye, then undressed and laid down I heard Solo come into the house. That's when I fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.


Some of y'all wasn't ready for this, honestly I wasn't either but I did it so boom two updates in one night.


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